[w3c-wai-eo] <none>
Accessibility Audit Toolbox
Agenda, Meeting 21 Friday 2001
Any meeting tomorrow? regards Helle
articles & links on accessibility
B C, evaluating web sites ....
background on collaboration tools
Bcase/ip web design business
Braille in the Age of Digitisation, an international symposium
Building a business case for web accessibility
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
- Laux (Saturday, 11 August)
Bus Case - App 1
Bus Case - App 1 Auxillary Benefits
Bus Case Appendix 1
Business Benefits
Business Benefits [Problem with summary]
Business Benefits doc
Business Benefits research
Business Case Preliminary Review
Business travelers keep their feet on the ground Videoconferencing, telecommuti
Comments for Business Benefits
Comments on July 26 Business Case Benefits draft
Considerations for Specific Contexts, from Evaluating Web Sites...
Corporate implementation plan, reposting Natasha's draft
critique of whitehouse.gov
demographics & social responsibility
Disabilities/Impairments (All figures are for U.S.)
Disability & Usability
EO outreach: WAI flyer in Danish
EOWG Update for WAI CG July 24 meeting
EOWG: Agenda, Friday 13 July, 2001
EOWG: Agenda, Friday 20 July, 2001
EOWG: Agenda, Meeting 21 Friday 2001
EOWG: Another update to "Getting Started"
EOWG: First (raw!) draft of appendix on reviewing Web sites
EOWG: Meeting Friday 14 September, 2001
EOWG: Meeting tomorrow Friday September 21, 2001
EOWG: Minutes Aug 17 & 24
EOWG: Minutes for July 27, 2001; change log & evaluation doc updated
EOWG: Proposal to split business case and implementation plan
EOWG: Reminder WEDNESDAY meeting 1 August 2001, 4:00-5:30pm US EDT
EOWG: Reminder, meeting 28 September 2001
EOWG: Reminder, meeting Friday 10 August 2001
EOWG: Reminder, Meeting Friday 17 August, 2001
EOWG: Reminder, Meeting Friday 24 August, 2001
EOWG: Reminder, Meeting Friday 27 July, 2001
EOWG: Reminder, meeting Friday 3 August 2001
EOWG: Reminder, meeting Wednesday July 11, 2001, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
EOWG: Same phone bridge for Wednesday Sept 5, 2001
EOWG: some updates to eval page
EOWG: Updated "Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility"
EOWG: Updated "Evaluating Web Sites"
EOWG: Updated "Getting Started"
EOWG: Updated schedule of teleconferences
Evaluating for Accessibility
Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility
Evaluating Web Sites Intro (2 proposed revisions)
Evaluation section of Evaluating Web Sites
Final Business Benefits document suite available
Final Business Benefits document suite available - updated 21:30 17-Aug
forebearance FAQ well put by Kynn
fwd: EOWG: Reminder WEDNESDAY meeting 1 August 2001, 4:00-5:30pm US EDT
FYI press_release_accessibility_en.doc from the EU commision on a ccessible web sites
Gallery of accessible sites...
Gallery of accesssible sites
Getting Started: changes from 28 Sept 2001 incorporated
IMHO this is a FAQ
Industry policies
low literacy
making the cut
Meeting last Friday?
Minutes from July 13 2001 up
more revision of evaluation appendix
outreach update
outreach updates
Outreach Updates - Meeting Friday 27 July, 2001
Outreach: Why we may need a commercial arm (red hat)
position paper
Preliminary Review section of Evaluating Web Sites
- Jean-Marie D'Amour (Friday, 3 August)
- gregory j. rosmaita (Friday, 3 August)
- Robert C. Neff (Thursday, 2 August)
- Sylvie Duchateau (Thursday, 2 August)
- Andrew.Arch@visionaustralia.org.au (Tuesday, 31 July)
- William Loughborough (Friday, 27 July)
- Jean-Marie D'Amour (Friday, 27 July)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 27 July)
- Jean-Marie D'Amour (Friday, 27 July)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 27 July)
Properly tagged PDF document?
Properly tagged PDF document? (fwd)
public lynxes (was Re: Lynxviewer)
Query about MetaTags
Query about MetaTags (2)
RE : EOWG: Agenda, Friday 20 July, 2001
RE : update to aux benefits
Regrets for Friday, August 10
Regrets for Friday, Sept. 21conference call
Reminder, meeting Wednesday July 11, 2001, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Reminder: No meeting this Friday August 31, 2001
Semantic Web Primer
Site accessibility analysis
Site accessibility analysis - InFous
Some more comments on review page
Specifying conformance level
SV: EOWG: Agenda, Friday 20 July, 2001
table accessibility
The European conference on ICT & SEN
Update on W3C/WAI mailing lists
video conferencing and virtual whiteboards
WCAG-Section 508 Comparison
When is the next Friday meeting?
Whitehouse.gov Usability: The Web Wing
Who's willing to test "Preliminary Review" section?
Wired News :Web News Still Fails Blind Users
WWW and Adult Learners with Special Needs
Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2001 20:24:55 UTC