Fw: Building a business case for web accessibility

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacobs, Steve I" <sj131264@exchange.DAYTONOH.NCR.com>
To: <sec508@trace.wisc.edu>; "Webwatch" <webwatch@egroups.com>; "WebAIM
accessibility forum" <webaim@mailservice.cpd.usu.edu>; "Disacc@Yahoogroups.
Com" <disacc@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: Building a business case for web accessibility

> Hi Glenda!
> In response to the attached...
> Please see the following 17 minute video.  I think you will see that
> designing accessible websites carry with it many business justifications
> other than those that are disability-related.
> To view the captioned video you will need free RealPlayer Basic. You may
> download and install this player from:
> http://www.real.com. Look for the RealPlayer Basic 8 link. It is sometimes
> hard to find.
> You can now link to, and view, the video:
> http://www.easi.cc/media/ideal.ram.
> Sincerely,
> Steve
> ------
> Steve Jacobs, President
> NCR Corporation
> 1529 Brown Street  EMD-5
> Dayton, Ohio 45479
> Columbus Voice: (614) 777-0660
> Dayton Voice: (937) 445-6396
> Fax: (212) 618-0205
> TTY: (800) 855-2880
> STS: (877) 750-9097
> E-Mail: steve.jacobs@ncr.com
> URL: http://www.ncr.com
> IDEAL at NCR is an all volunteer, not-for-profit, employee-led
> whose mission is to support NCR employees and customers with disabilities
> and the development of information products and services that are
> by persons with disabilities.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenda Watson Hyatt [mailto:Glenda@eaglecom.bc.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 2:43 PM
> To: Webwatch; WebAIM accessibility forum; Sec508@Trace. Wisc. Edu;
> Disacc@Yahoogroups. Com
> Subject: Building a business case for web accessibility
> Hi all,
> Please pardon this cross-posting.  I'm seeking some information and need
> cast my net as widely as possible.
> I am attempting to build a business case for web accessibility and am look
> for actual dollar costs [or percentage of total cost] of making sites
> accessible, both new and existing sites.  We all know the legal
> ramifications, but has any research been done into the actual cost to
> business?  I'd appreciate any and all leads to information.  And, as
> time is a factor here.  Thanks.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Cheers,
> Glenda
> *********
> Glenda Watson Hyatt
> Soaring Eagle Communications
> "Creating freedom and power through accessible communications"
> E Mail: mailto:Glenda@eaglecom.bc.ca
> Website: http://www.eaglecom.bc.ca
> Want to know how to make your website accessible to more people?
> Subscribe to our FREE newsletter by emailing
> mailto:newsletter@eaglecom.bc.ca
> *********

Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 20:51:35 UTC