Re: Business Case Preliminary Review

1. ...
There are a variety of tools and approaches for evaluating conformance to 
the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. No single accessibility 
checker yet provides
comprehensive information or captures all problems with regard to the 
accessibility of a site; therefore evaluation involves a combination of 
             These include human judgement where tools can only suggest
potential problems.
  Goals for evaluating Web sites vary, and require different approaches to 
meet those goals: ...

2. Preliminary Review

"To conduct a preliminary review, complete all four steps


To conduct a preliminary review, perform the four independent
tasks below.

Also, we make a presumption that tested pages are valid.
I'd put in plug for tidy (and possibly CSS) validity
checkers, so we start with clean HTML pages.

In list item 2.
     ...following steps may need to be done ...

I question the implication that they are ordered steps.
Instead they are alternative ways to gain information.
Make them unordered list instead.

3. Use a Voice browser ...

Again make sublist unordered.

     "if sighted, make sure that the monitor is turned off so
      as not to provide visual cues)"

One cannot check 3.2 for

     "is the information presented in a similar logical order"
if one has no (visual) basis for comparison.

The downloaded Bobby will check linked pages, in same
folder or external. Tidy can check multiple pages. WAVE
when locally installed and active checks page by page as
they are loaded.

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 13:44:33 UTC