[w3c-wai-eo] <none>

Dear all,

This is my first attempt to present brief guidelines for any big or small,
centralized or flat organization to deploy accessibility standards

In the future I can elaborate on it but it seems to me that it would be
beneficial to have a list of things a company needs to do to accomplish the

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow and having your feedback.

Best regards,

Natasha Lipkina
hp.com Platform Services
Tel: 650-236-5409
Telnet: 236-5409

Judy Brewer    jbrewer@w3.org    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2001 22:24:43 UTC