from August 2016 by subject

1st International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for the IoT (SIFI)

7th Workshop on the WoT

[minutes] joint call with oneM2M 31 Aug 2016

[WoT WG] Release of WoT WG Charter Draft extendend until next week

[wot] Doodle poll for the joint call with oneM2M? (was Re: [wot] minutes - 27 July 2016)

[wot] minutes - 10 August 2016

[wot] minutes - 17 August 2016

[wot] minutes - 3 August 2016

[wot] TPAC breakout wiki (was Re: [wot] minutes - 17 August 2016)

Aug 30 deadline for review of updates to WoT WG charter

AW: Call for WoT Implementations

AW: Concept - WoT Demonstration for TPAC

Blockchains and the Web of Things?

Call for WoT Implementations

Concept - WoT Demonstration for TPAC

Current Practices Release as IG Note

New T2TRG Internet Draft: HSML

OneM2M call on 31 Aug 2016, 8am EDT / 2pm CEST / 9pm JST

Report - W3C WoT Meeting in EURECOM

T2TRG meeting at Lisbon after TPAC

TD roll-up for TPAC

The Web of Things has a book

Web of Things Interest Group Revised Charter Approved: join the Web of Things Interest Group (Call for Participation)

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 20:13:43 UTC