The Web of Things has a book

Dear WoT IG members and friends,

Vlad and I are very excited to announce the general availability of our
book: "Building the Web of Things" at Manning:

We wrote this book to share our past 10 years of experience in building the
Web of Things. It is based on our work connecting close to 1 billion
objects at EVRYTHNG and on research that we conducted in turn at SAP, ETH
and MIT. Finally, we also wrote it based on early experiences within the
WoT IG and in particular illustrating this with the Web Thing Model W3C
member submission and the idea of
lightweight semantics.

This book is meant to give makers, developers and engineer a methodology to
connect objects to the IoT by using and adapting the goodness of the Web.
It is also meant to spread the idea and the core concepts of the web of
things. It is based on the Raspberry Pi but the Node.js code supports other
Linux embedded devices too.

In particular it covers the following topics:
- Introduction to IoT protocols and devices
- Connect electronic actuators and sensors (GPIO) to a Raspberry Pi
- Implement standard REST and Pub/Sub APIs with Node.js on embedded systems
- Learn about IoT protocols like MQTT and CoAP and integrate them to the
Web of Things
- Use the Semantic Web (JSON-LD, RDFa, etc.) to discover and find Web Things
- Share Things via Social Networks to create the Social Web of Things
- Build a web-based smart home with HTTP and WebSocket
- Compose physical mashups with EVRYTHNG, Node-RED, and IFTTT

We realise all the WoT IG members also influenced this book one way or the
other and as a token of appreciation would like to give you the opportunity
to get the book with a 39% discount when buying it directly on
Simply use the code guinard39 at checkout.

Note that the book is also available on Amazon and as a full kit (including
the hardware) on Sparkfun:

We hope you'll enjoy the book and are looking forward to your feedback. We
also hope you'll help spreading the word about it so that we make sure all
Things moving forward are connected the Web way!

Dominique Guinard
Vlad Trifa

Dominique Guinard, Ph.D. ////
co-founder & chief technology officer
+44 79 5153 2987 // w
t @domguinard // w
EVRYTHNG is a Bloomberg Business Innovator 2016 <>
My latest book is out:
*LATEST NEWS - World’s biggest IoT deal:*

Received on Tuesday, 2 August 2016 08:28:08 UTC