Re: Blockchains and the Web of Things?

Hi Tibor,

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 7:41 PM, Tibor Z. Pardi <> wrote:
> Hello Tibor,
> thanks for answering all these questions in details. However, you
> opened new ones ;).
> Hi Drasko,
> I think you are right, there are many questions exist around this topic :-)
> Should we have a Skype call and I will tell you what I know and think about
> each points, and then if you think the chat was useful perhaps you summarize
> the discussion for the public mailing list so others who are interested in
> blockchain could benefit from the information? The points you have raised
> are complex like what ADEPT does and how does it (btw ADEPT is an abandoned
> project since Paul Brody left IBM and nothing happened to ADEPT since March
> 2015, that's why I said there is no working blockchain based IoT solutions
> exists, and I would be happy to explain as well what are the fundamental
> issues with Ethereum in my opinion. The fact that a few projects try to wire
> up Ethereum doesn't mean it is a feasible solution for IoT).
> My Skype Id is "zsolt.pardi" (Skype displays TZ Pardi United Kingdom
> Streembit/Zovolt next to my name) if you or anybody wants to talk about
> blockchain.

This is very kind of you. I will give you a call, an then re-paste
here the meeting minutes.


Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2016 18:07:16 UTC