from March 2008 by subject

2nd Call For Paper ONTOAPP'08

[Cool URIs] WD 2007-12-17

[Fwd: [closed] Re: Publication request: Cool URIs for the SW Working Draft]

[Fwd: knowee alpha is now online]

Andrea needs to say goodbye

Business Presentation

Business Presentation - whats the license?

checking "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" comments... OPEN QUESTION GenDocUri

checking "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" comments... would like more time

Comments on Business Case presentation

Comments on Business Presentation

Comments on

Cool URI doc

Cool URIs doc - markup issues, insdel.xsl

Cool URIs doc, "non-information resource"

Cool URIs little fix

discussing cool-uris this week - final version as goal

Fwd: [Linking-open-data] Drupal 7 to be a major linked data client

meeting minutes

proposed change to best-practices recipes for publihsing rdf vocabs

proposed change to best-practices recipes for publihsing rdf vocabs - will not change

Proposed rewrite for section 3.1

regrets & update (Re: SWEO Telcon)

regrets for the telco / need editors!

Review of Cool URIs for the Semantic Web

Review of SWEO "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"

Second CFP: 6th International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools and the Semantic Web Challenge (EON-SWSC2008)

Sorry for Multiple Posts: [Linking-open-data] Fwd: Drupal 7 to be a major linked data client

status of cool uri document - starting thursday

SWEO IG meeting minutes, 2008-03-12

SWEO Meeting minutes, 2008-03-19

SWEO Meeting minutes, 2008-03-26

SWEO Telcon

SWEO Telcon - minutes of 26.3.2008 telco

Use case facets

Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2008 09:03:16 UTC