Re: Fwd: [Linking-open-data] Drupal 7 to be a major linked data client

Hi Arto,

I don't know your role in all this, but it would be good to point the 
community to tutorials about the Semantic Web.

Two lists will help you to teach the Drupal community,

some more list-of-lists-of data about rdf:

otherwise - how could we help you out?


It was Danny Ayers who said at the right time 07.03.2008 11:00 the 
following words:
> Thanks Arto - forwarding to the SW Education & Outreach group, I think
> many of your comments have direct relevance. Although the group is
> semi-dormant right now, I'm pretty sure the individuals involved will
> be happy to help out in any way they can.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Arto Bendiken <>
> Date: 5 Mar 2008 23:18
> Subject: Re: [Linking-open-data] Drupal 7 to be a major linked data client
> To: Linking Open Data <>
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 2:38 AM, David Peterson <> wrote:
>  >  Just wanted to draw attention to the development of Drupal 7. The head
>  >  architect, Dries Buytaert, has the vision of linked data and RDF at the core
>  >  of Drupal 7.
> Dries's vision for Drupal 7.x is indeed a bold move - essentially, he
>  wants to reinvent (and ultimately, rewrite) Drupal from the ground up
>  based on RDF. If this works out, it could probably add a decade to the
>  Drupal project's effective life-span, as well as put it ahead of any
>  currently budding semantic CMSes - who may be ahead in technology, but
>  who will take years yet to build a huge, vibrant community like Drupal
>  has.
>  It's important to keep in mind, however, that this announcement was
>  pretty much an unexpected bombshell dropped on the Drupal community,
>  most Drupal developers not being familiar with RDF or else having
>  already dismissed it back in the pre-SPARQL, all-RDF/XML days. A BDFL
>  [1] has only so much power - it's not necessarily a given that Drupal
>  7.x will follow Dries's vision unless a significant amount of
>  (re)education and awareness work takes place in the community in the
>  next half a year.
>  That's where I believe folks like the LDO project could be most
>  helpful - by publicly spreading the word about Drupal's 7.x plans in a
>  positive light, and by showing interest and reaching out to the Drupal
>  community (on their preferred channels of communication, such as
>, you can help provide some much-needed external
>  validation of Dries's ideas and help show the Drupal community that
>  he's _not_, in fact, smoking a crack pipe ;-)
>  >  I know of several different Semantic Web camps creating Drupal modules and
>  >  the core looks set to embrace Linked Data and RDF at the foundational level.
> For reference, here is a list of all Semweb-related Drupal modules
>  that I know about at the moment:
>   RDF API (Drupal 6.x, 7.x)
>   SPARQL (Drupal 6.x, 7.x)
>   Exhibit (Drupal 6.x)
>   SIOC (Drupal 5.x, 6.x) by scor & terraces
>   MOAT (Drupal 5.x) by terraces
>   Machine Tags (Drupal 5.x) by hendler
>   Semantic Search (Drupal 5.x) by hendler
>   ARC RDF Store by scor
>   Calais Semantic Tagging by jscheel
>   Relationship API (Drupal 4.7.x) by dman
>   FOAF (Drupal 4.6.x) by walkah
>  >  This looks to be an important development, one that the LOD group should
>  >  look into with keen interest. Drupal is being used in 10's of thousands of
>  >  installations and I believe with every release they increase their footprint
>  >  by at least double.
> Nobody knows exact Drupal installation numbers at the moment (though
>  that will change post-6.0 - see below), but the range is actually
>  believed to be well in the hundreds of thousands. Some numbers that we
>  do know:
>   * Google hits for "Drupal": 19M
>   * registered user accounts: 250K
>   * Drupal core downloads in aggregate: over 2M
>   * Drupal 6.x core downloads: 100K/month and growing
>   * Drupal 6.x installations currently pinging home: 20K
>   * Drupal extension modules available: 1.8K+
>   * Drupal developers contributing to core: 900+
>  (Note that the "pinging home" part is a new feature in 6.x, part of
>  the automated module update check, and thus doesn't include the much
>  larger installed base of earlier 4.x and 5.x installations.)
>  >  Does anyone here know any of the core Drupal devs or who to get in contact
>  >  with them?
> On IRC you can find Drupal developers hanging out at #drupal [2];
>  additionally, there is a (medium-volume) core development mailing list
>  [3] that you could subscribe to.
>  However, for straight up Drupal-related Semantic Web talk, the right
>  place at the moment is probably the Semweb interest group [4] that I
>  mentioned in an earlier reply, so as to focus all these happenings
>  into one place for maximum effect.
>  [1]
>  [2]
>  [3]
>  [4]
>  --
>  Arto Bendiken |
>  _______________________________________________
> Linking-open-data mailing list

DI Leo Sauermann 

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Received on Monday, 10 March 2008 13:07:32 UTC