Comments on Business Case presentation

(apologies if you get this more than once - I mailed it already from
my talis email and that appeared to bounce)

Hi Jeff,

First impressions - looking good

style :
* as you mentioned, could do with some images/diagrams
* there are a lot of bullet points per slide, can perhaps be broken down
a little more

content :
* hmm... for this audience I would have thought data integration would
be the main angle to emphasize (still further), i.e. more value from
your data through improved integration = more profit!!

* not sure how to word this, something like "building on the technology
that underlies the biggest information system to date (the web)", and
maybe more value from your data through the network effect more = profit!!

* to the low risk/low cost arguments maybe a bit more along the lines
that incremental dev is possible (with fairly immediate returns), and
that the technologies work ok with all known (?) dev methodologies

* future-proofing - even if the future landscape looks massively
different (which it probably will), stuff gained from applying semweb
tech will be reusable

* standards standards standards

no forgetting -

* filling in the bits promised for XML and SOAP :-)

(a year or two ago one of the HP folks came out with a nice angle, along
the lines that WS-* etc had enabled loads of connectivity between/within
companies, but having wired the systems together the companies now have
no idea how to actually connect the data together and do something
useful with it...)



Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 18:33:41 UTC