Leo Sauermann wrote:
> Hi SWEO,
> I gathered all feedback we received on the document
> http://gnowsis.opendfki.de/repos/gnowsis/papers/2006_11_concepturi/feedback/index.htm
> We are still searching for additional editors,
> Ivan - the TAG or SWD offered before to help us out, maybe this is the
> moment to ask again, we have much to do on the document :-/
And I see you did it in the meantime. Based on the quoted mail from the
TAG, I think you did the right thing...
Have a good review today!
> I will start editing the document based on the feedback on thursday 13th
> March, so if anyone can help me, please say NOW,
> and we will have a skype||telefone conference on 13th march to
> distribute work
> We until 18th march LATEST to edit in all comments.
> regards
> Leo
Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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