Re: discussing cool-uris this week - final version as goal

On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 07:48 +0000, Leo Sauermann wrote:
> Dear TAG,

This was flagged "[Moderator Action]" in my inbox; I'm not sure

In any replies, please note the cross-post to a public forum.

> I will attend the TAG telco this Thursday,
> We have a slight time problem in SWEO,
> namely that the interest group note "Cool uris for the semantic web"
> should be final and published in March, as SWEO ends.
> Such, we would want to publish the final note this week, or next week,
> or, if this is absolutely needed, publish a last-call-workingdraft this 
> friday, after
> the TAG telco (if we are stopped, even as late as 25th next tuesday - 
> after easter break).
> which would then result in a final publishing at Fr, 28th March....
> I would rather prefer to publish the final note at 25th without another 
> final working draft (we had many months of feedback and editor draft 
> versions already), for an IG note this should be ok. According to 
> policies (as far as I understood it) only wg recommendations have to 
> have 2week-last-call.
> therefore
> * I would hope we can sort out the open issue of adding generic document 
> uris into the document, and how (additional to the current version or 
> only the gendoc uris) - see my other mail and [1]
> * I would need your feedback if above sprinting timeline can be reached, 
> and what parameters we can influence to make it happen
> just to be sure,
> I assume the telco is at 11am Boston Time (= 18:00pm berlin time)
> usual zakim bridge numbers
> high regards
> Leo Sauermann
> [1]  
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2008 16:10:08 UTC