Cool URIs doc - markup issues, insdel.xsl

Hi Leo,

Valiant work on the doc!

The markup on this -

- is rather messed up, dunno if that's the latest version. I don't
know which editor you've been using, but it's been doing you no
favours ;-)

I've attached a manually-tidied version (using emacs with nxml-mode).
I can't guarantee it 100% reflects what was intended, HTML Tidy might
have done a better job...

I've also attached XSLT to do the <ins>/<del> removal/resolution thing
(I couldn't resist having a go), along with the result. I've not
tested it beyond the run on this doc.

# xsltproc insdel.xsl cooluris_sweo_note.html > cool.html



Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 09:44:35 UTC