from June 2006 by subject

[Bug 2300] Formal semantics diagrams must be redrawn

[Bug 2523] [XQueryX] xqx: pathExpr and stepExpr

[Bug 2611] xqueryx: trivial embedding (esp CDATA sections)

[Bug 2681] Functions taking "." as default argument

[Bug 2710] [xqueryx and xquery] extra white space in pragma content

[Bug 2768] [XDM] constructing list of union types from PSVI

[Bug 2790] Instance of with union type results in surprising results

[Bug 2795] [Update] recovering the XDM consistency after an update

[Bug 2983] [Update] adjacent text nodes

[Bug 2986] [Update] commutativity of insert and insert as last

[Bug 2987] [Update] XQuery types from xdt to xs

[Bug 2990] [Update] Possible inconsistency in compatibility of update primitives

[Bug 3022] [XQueryX] transform of empty <xqx:Wildcard>

[Bug 3072] Which types have constructor functions?

[Bug 3083] [XSLT] escape-uri-attributes or include-content-type specified for xml output method

[Bug 3121] extra / in namespace document

[Bug 3165] [XSLT 2.0] Need to be able to detect additional atomic types

[Bug 3171] [XQuery] 3.12.5 Constructor Functions

[Bug 3173] [F+O, DM] A difficulty with document-uri()

[Bug 3174] XQueryX trivial embedding

[Bug 3196] [Ser] DOCTYPE MUST be HTML or html

[Bug 3273] [FS] technical: 2.3.1 Formal values: () in Values

[Bug 3301] [FO] Editorial: Error Function: Examples: can return QName, not only anyURI

[Bug 3305] Cardinality +/* on range variables

[Bug 3308] Which error to raise for attributes with the same node-name in a direct element constructor?

[Bug 3310] "x" castable as xs:QName

[Bug 3311] [XqueryX] Position of Setters in Prolog

[Bug 3312] XPST0080, XPST0003 and XPST0051 overlaps

[Bug 3314] 3.14 Extension Expressions, what can the namespace URI contain?

[Bug 3315] [XqueryX] spurious "as" in typeswitch clause with no variable

[Bug 3326] Ambiguity regarding non-alphanumeric format tokens, xsl:number

[Bug 3333] [XQX] stylesheet needs to generate more parenthesis

[Bug 3333] stylesheet needs to generate more parenthesis

[Bug 3335] Error code for xsl:message terminate="yes"

[Bug 3336] [XSLT 2.0] Clarification of namespace fixup rules

[Bug 3358] [F+O] Rules for min() and max() handling of non-primitive types

[Bug 3363] FTIngoreOption "element nodes" vs just nodes

[Bug 3369] [F+O] Operations on xs:duration

[Bug 3374] complete example (4.3.3) incorrect

[Bug 3377] [F+O] About op:time-equal using xs:dateTime

[Bug 3377] About op:time-equal using xs:dateTime

[Bug 3379] extension-element-prefixes="#default"

[Bug 3380] [FS] //45 returns what?

[Bug 3380] [XPath] //45 returns what?

[Bug 3381] Remember document-uri

[Bug 3386] Editorial, 15.5.4 fn:doc: error code not explicitly specified

[Bug 3387] Editorial, FODC0005 is used by both fn:doc() and fn:doc-available(), but only specified for fn:doc().

[Bug 3388] Editorial, 15.5.2 fn:id: misplaced "an" word

[Bug 3389] Editorial, 15.5.3 fn:idref: two periods in first listing

[Bug 3410] Editorial: Refrences to XDT namespace still remaining

[Bug 3414] [XqueryX] Location of schema and stylesheet

[Bug 3415] [XDM] Inheritance of Base URI

[Bug 3416] [XQuery] Base URI of a constructed element

[Bug 3417] [XSLT] Base URI of a copied element

[Bug 3419] AllMatches model fails to represent correct semantics of FTUnaryNot

[FT] Editorial on 1.1

[FT] mailto links

XIME-P 2006: Call for Participation [and Program Updates]

Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2006 22:18:31 UTC