[minutes] POI WG minutes 19 Oct 2010
[minutes] POI WG minutes 28 October 2010
Action item-terms that you'd like to see defined in the terminology wiki
Discussion themes/topics -suggested framework
Fwd: WG Objectives - A Personal Take
Global Identifiers for Points of Interest
International AR Standards Meeting-follow up
Intro and objectives
Introductions and WG objectives
Introductions and WG objectives (GSyC/LibreSoft)
Join the Points of Interest Working Group (Call for Participation)
Marble, Virtual Globe and World Atlas
new Linked Data from UK Ordnance Survey
POI - a vote for use cases first
POI data model
- Raj Singh (Friday, 29 October)
- Dan Brickley (Friday, 29 October)
- Alex Hill (Friday, 29 October)
- Thomas Wrobel (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Thomas Wrobel (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Raj Singh (Thursday, 28 October)
- Raj Singh (Thursday, 28 October)
POI Use Cases - AR subset
POI WG Terminology Wiki
Points of Interest Working Group Approved for Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity
Use Cases
- Seiler, Karl (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Dan Brickley (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Matt Womer (Thursday, 28 October)
- Raj Singh (Thursday, 28 October)
- Dan Brickley (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Seiler, Karl (Thursday, 28 October)
- Reynolds, Vinny (Wednesday, 27 October)
- jacques lemordant (Wednesday, 27 October)
Using GoodRelations for POI
WG Objectives - A Personal Take
- Philipp Slusallek (Friday, 29 October)
- Christine Perey (Saturday, 30 October)
- Carl Reed (Friday, 29 October)
- Carl Reed (Friday, 29 October)
- Sam Critchley (Friday, 29 October)
- Carl Reed (Friday, 29 October)
- Carl Reed (Friday, 29 October)
- Seiler, Karl (Friday, 29 October)
- Matt Womer (Friday, 29 October)
- 전종홍 (Friday, 29 October)
- Carl Reed (Thursday, 28 October)
- 전종홍 (Thursday, 28 October)
- Seiler, Karl (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Seiler, Karl (Thursday, 28 October)
- Thomas Wrobel (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jens de Smit (Thursday, 28 October)
- Seiler, Karl (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Raj Singh (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Rob Manson (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Marengo Marco (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Christine Perey (Tuesday, 26 October)
Last message date: Saturday, 30 October 2010 18:06:38 UTC