Action item-terms that you'd like to see defined in the terminology wiki

Hi all,

One of the tools we (in the large and limited sense) need is a 
consistent, widely accepted terminology to avoid confusion and broadly 
clarify communication.

There will be a WG terminology wiki

During the first telecon, Gary Gale (Nokia) took an action item to 
open/begin a wiki page on terminology. He's invited everyone to e-mail 
him their suggestions for terms.

I have two questions:

1. what is the purpose of the terminology (glossary, etc) which is being 

Is this

(a) a terminology for use within the POI working group or

(b) a terminology for the broader communities i.e., multiple communities 
who need to communicate *with one another and internally* in a clear 
fashion about Augmented Reality and contextual services?

(c) both?

2. based on the above, would we not like to see a listing of relevant 
terminologies *already in use* by existing groups/communities?!

Is there not, as Carl Reed has pointed out, a great deal of the 
geo-spatial terminology already locked down and in common (daily) use 
within the geospatial community (e.g., OGC)

Can we first continue to canvas (and compile on the wiki) those 
terminologies which are already out there (as DanBri began to do during 
our call)? avoid re-inventing the wheel?

Then, at some point, I would like to see us continue/expand the exercise 
which was begun at the Oct 11-12 meeting and formulates a "cross 
community" AR-specific glossary.

I highly encourage discussion on this list (and in future telecons) 
about this approach to the vocabulary/terminology exercise: 

The column headings are the names of communities and beneath the 
community name, the words which practitioners use (we believe). The 
first column are the synonyms which the AR community uses to express 
what the other communities say in the other columns.

thank you,


Spime Wrangler
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Received on Saturday, 23 October 2010 06:35:50 UTC