RE: OWL 2 Struct. Spec specification problem? - "absolute IRI"
About Manchester OWL validator
[Fwd: [] OWL2 XML Parser Library in C++]
Next Telco?
OWL 2 dependency on XSD 1.1
[RIF] please implement functions on plain-literals
XSD dependency (urgent problem)
RDF-Based Semantics: Revision of Correspondence Theorem Proof completed
Updated tests with OWL RL issues
two editorial bugs in the Structural Spec
Validator test
Implementation of Resolutions on owl.owl Namespace Document and RDF-Based Semantics
owl:Thing in RL profile?
XMLLiteral and owl.owl
Prefix names cannot be empty according to the OWL/XML schema
FW: Name differences in OWL Functional Syntax and OWL/XML
- Re: Name differences in OWL Functional Syntax and OWL/XML
- Re: Name differences in OWL Functional Syntax and OWL/XML
ECDL 2009 - Workshops and Tutorials - Reminder
Please Send OWL 2 Implementation Reports (today!)
Agenda TC 05/08/2009
Accessibility audit of FSS
Primer: error in an OWL/XML example
CR comments
Fwd: Problems with OWL 1 tests
Fwd: Problems with OWL 1 tests
Fwd: Problems with OWL 1 tests
Problems with OWL 1 tests
Re: Explain profile acronyms
- Re: Explain profile acronyms