Dear all,
FYI, implementations in DERI are progressing.
Antoine Zimmermann
Post-doctoral researcher at:
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
IDA Business Park
Lower Dangan
Galway, Ireland
Forwarded message 1
Dear All,
As part of our efforts to re-implement an existing Prolog based DL
reasoner to C++ we made an OWL 2 DL parser for the OWL XML syntax in C+
+ from scratch.
This does the job: transforms an input knowledge base into an internal
Object-Oriented representation suitable for application dependent
further processing.
The implementation aims to be fast (atom tables, custom memory
allocator, Google hash-map implementation, etc.), memory efficient
(SAX parsing, etc) and robust (non-parseable elements are simply
discarded, error handling, etc.). And it is "home cooked", we are here
to fix/extend it if needed.
The parser is practically feature complete, but a comprehensive
testing phase is missing. We plan to run it on official W3C test
cases to make it as conform as possible, but unfortunately, at this
moment no such test cases exist for OWL2 XML.
If anybody is interested in helping with the testing or would like to
use the parser in some project/research do not hesitate to let us know.
The parser is available in source or as pre-compiled static binary
libraries for Windows and Max OS platforms. Example program is included.
The implementation, together with the developer API documentation
generated by Doxygen, can be accessed on
Any feedback is highly appreciated,
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