4th F2F summary and summer schdule
RE: Mapping table updated
PFWG review of Ontology for Media Resource 1.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-mediaont-10-20090618/
Meeting Minutes (telecon 21 July)
[W3C MAWG] action item 139: Check with Veronique (and Victor) the improvements 9-11 in the list.
- Re: [W3C MAWG] action item 139: Check with Veronique (and Victor) the improvements 9-11 in the list.
[mawg] ACTION-141: Update of rationale r09
telecon 21 July
Fwd: Question about F2F in Korea
Type of media file and its metadata
Re: [q] Telecon today? - No call today
[q] Telecon today?
TAG discussing metadata
Photo of Stockholm F2F Meeting
Cancel: today teleconf
Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology
- AW: Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology
- Re: Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology