RE: Mapping table updated

Thanks Thierry, very nice work. We had a look at it during the telecon 21/7. 
Werner has already updated the summary page and MPEG-7 section.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-media-
>] On Behalf Of Thierry Michel
> Sent: den 29 juni 2009 20:26
> To:
> Subject: Mapping table updated
> All,
> Per my action item, I have updated the Mapping Table as follows:
> I have added the "DataTypes", "XPath, "Example" columns in the summary
> sheet.
> For each format sheet, I have removed the description column and have
> added "How to do the mapping"  	"Datatype"  and	"XPath" columns.
> I have also cleaned the Mapping table code. It is now much lighter and
> validates HTML, and avoids hard coded layout
> I have modified the styling to have it easier to read. It links to an
> external CSS.
> Finally I have split the Mapping table into 24 files for each format, as
> we have discuss during the F2F.
> This will ease updates from editors.
> the mapping_table is available here linking to all formats.
> able.html
> Editors can directly update these files in the W3C MAWG space.
> I will send an email tomorrow to explain how to proceed to update in the
> W3C MAWG space.
> I will also write an XSLT to merge these 24 files into a single HTML
> file for final publication on TR when needed.
> Best,
> Thierry

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 13:35:21 UTC