Re: [mawg] Privacy status tag


In general my concern is about the ever-growing user generated content, 
(think of Social Networks) where an important attribute is the 
resource's privacy level.

I was thinking of Flickr, (although privacy settings are defined per 
user and not per image):
Or in Facebook, where you can download media and retrieve who´s for it 
is visible (all, friends etc.)
I don´t know very well P3P, or the current activities of the PLING group 
(both W3C initiatives...), and if they may have a common point with our 


Chris Poppe escribió:
> Dear Victor,
> I would suppose that the ma:license could be used for this (I'm not sure
> that there is a ma:rights, at least not in the current table). 
> However, the main problem would actually be how you would identify your
> friends, colleagues, ... The user-management would be part of the
> application that manages the video (and metadata). 
> As such, I guess that MPEG-21 Part 5 (Rights Expression Language) could be
> used, mainly because MPEG-21 tries to describe entire multimedia frameworks.
> Kind Regards,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Victor
> Rodriguez Doncel
> Sent: dinsdag 7 juli 2009 17:09
> To:
> Subject: [mawg] Privacy status tag
> Hello,
> I have a question for the "format experts".
> In Flickr, fotos have a tag describing its "CreativeCommons" and its 
> privacy status ("anyone can see this foto" / "only my friends" / "only 
> me" etc.). While for the former there are many existing placeholders in 
> the different formats, easily mapeable to ma:rights, I don´t know any 
> for the latter...
> How can I tag in a video its privacy status?
> Víctor

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 11:34:02 UTC