from July 2009 by subject

4th F2F summary and summer schdule

[mawg] ACTION-141: Update of rationale r09

[mawg] Editorial changes

[mawg] Privacy status tag

[mawg] Re: TAG discussing metadata

[q] Telecon today?

[q] Telecon today? - No call today

[W3C MAWG] action item 139: Check with Veronique (and Victor) the improvements 9-11 in the list.


ACTIONS 137, 138, 144

AW: ACTIONS 137, 138, 144

AW: AW: Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology

AW: Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology

AW: telecon 21 July

AW: Type of media file and its metadata

Cancel: today teleconf

Capturing the information about the creator of a collection or a feed within the Media Ontology

Fwd: Question about F2F in Korea

Mapping table updated

Meeting Minutes (telecon 21 July)

PFWG review of Ontology for Media Resource 1.0

Photo of Stockholm F2F Meeting

TAG discussing metadata

telecon 21 July

Type of media file and its metadata

Update Mapping Table Youtube

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 July 2009 08:43:31 UTC