AW: ACTIONS 137, 138, 144

Dear Felix,

thanks a lot for your feedback. I've added links to type definitions and some clarifications to the MPEG-7 mapping table.

Best regards,

Von: [] Im Auftrag von Felix Sasaki
Gesendet: Montag, 06. Juli 2009 22:36
An: Bailer, Werner
Betreff: Re: ACTIONS 137, 138, 144

Hi Werner,

just a few questions on the contents of the datatype row:

- I assume types like PersonNameType are defined as XML Schema data types? Could you add a reference to the definition or paste in the type? I know the table will get large, but the information would be very valuable IMO.
- Is there a restriction on the value of Unique ID, e.g. that it has to follow xml:id? Again a reference would be great.
- Is "string" just a Unicode string? In general: Is there a restriction on the character encoding of MPEG-7? XML requires not more than utf-8 and utf-16, but others are possible.
- What is the difference between UniqueIdentifier and Unique ID?
- In "string and qualifier", what is the pattern (reg.ex.) to describe the qualifier?
- are values like float, non-negative float or non-negative integer identical to ?



2009/7/6 Bailer, Werner <<>>
Dear all,

as discussed in the F2F I have made the following updates:

- Updated the table with our properties ( according to the results of the F2F. The elements are also split into descriptive an technical properties. I have replaced the Xpath column (which I think cannot be filled in the summary table) with a media type table that lists the media types to which technical properties apply. An open question is whether we should also order the properties in the mapping tables in the same way (i.e. split into these two groups), which I think would simplify merging information from the tables.

- Added the data type column to the MPEG-7 mapping table ( as an example.

- Updated the Candidate Additional elements Wiki page according to the decisions at the F2F and added two notes (one coming from the review of the Timed Text properties, the other concerning the different media types).

Best regards,

 Werner Bailer
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

 phone:  +43-316-876-1218               mobile: +43-699-1876-1218
 web:            fax: +43-316-876-1191

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2009 09:46:30 UTC