from August 2016 by subject

(Draft) Accessibility in CSS proposal from APA

[dpub] 20160801 agenda

[dpub] 20160808 agenda

[dpub] 20160815 agenda

[dpub] 20160822 agenda

[dpub] short title for PWP-UCR

[DPUB][A11Y] Agenda 081216

[DPUB][A11Y] Agenda 081916

[DPUB][A11Y] Agenda 082616

[DPUB][A11Y] Minutes 081216

[DPUB][A11Y] Minutes 20160819

[Meeting Summary] 2016-08-22

[Meeting Summary] at 2016-08-16

[Meeting Summary] for 2016-08-08

[Meeting Summary] summary for 2016-08-01

[Moderator Action] [dpub] 20160822 agenda

[Moderator Action] Annotation UCs

[w3c/dpub-pwp-ucr] Remove "Other" and "misc" (#68)

Acknowledgement list for the UCR

Annotation UCs

APG TF request for help providing guidance on summary/details and aria-details

Archiving use cases section updated

dpub-ig-ACTION-59: Will add a sentence to section irc:// that a pwp must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc�

dpub-ig-ACTION-60: Write this new statement in section 2.1

dpub-ig-ACTION-61: Make a braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed.

dpub-ig-ACTION-62: Take george's use case for annotations and put it in a new 8.6 section for accessible annotations.

Extensibility discussion Friday at TPAC

Garth Conboy appointed co-Chair of the Digital Publishing Interest Group

Meeting minutes, 2016-08-01

Meeting minutes, 2016-08-08

Meeting Minutes, 2016-08-15

Meeting minutes, 2016-08-22

Private showing of TimBL documentary at TPAC 2016

Reworked the section on 'horizontals'

Security Use Cases - Very rough first draft

State and Locators Use Cases

TPAC meeting DPUB IG & math-on-webpages

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 22:22:26 UTC