[WCAG 2.0] SC 3.3.4 - Reversible
applicability of H44
BBC My web my way - new version in Beta testing
Comments on Techniques for WCAG 2.0 and Understanding WCAG 2.0 drafts
display of screen grabs
Editorial Errors in WCAG Techniques
F39: Whole document is same as F38
F61: 24 hours?
F85: Procedure
G111: Contrast
G150: procedure and policy
G21: Test Procedure
G64: Example 2 - Link to adobe.com
H78: Example 2, 3, 4
H87: Applicability
H90: Sufficient or Advisory?
Incorrect wording
list of Technique Collections
Mistakes in Techniques
Note at end of sufficient techniques for 3.3.2 is ambiguous
Part of text is no longer valid - G156, C23 and C25
pixel font-sizing and WCAG 2.0
Reword G1 'Description' and 'Note'. (This will make "Skip to Main" as a permanent visible link)
SC 3.2.1 Keyboard users only?
SM13: Procedure #1
Table of Content needs summary of collections
techniques link to 20081211 version
Text that is difficult to understand. Needs to be simplified and may be have an illustrative example.
Update on my earlier post - G1: Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area
URI in confomance claim returns 404 error
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 08:06:43 UTC