euh... I musta blinked
RE: Required properties with no value [WAS: workspace property on resources that aren't in workspaces]
Required properties with no value [WAS: workspace property on res ources that aren't in workspaces]
DAV:workspace property on resources that aren't in workspaces
- UPDATE semantics for checked-out resources
url encoding in XML
Delta V clients
Typo in RFC3253, Section 4.1.2
FW: RFC3253 erratum
RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
DASL and DELTA-V properties
[ietf-dav-versioning] <none>
RE: DASL and DELTA-V properties
DELETE of a version-controlled Collection
RE: webdav versioning help
RE: expand-property report, exapnding version-controlled-binding- set ?
RE: expand-property report, exapnding version-controlled-binding- set ?
- RE: expand-property report, exapnding version-controlled-binding- set ?
- RE: expand-property report, exapnding version-controlled-binding- set ?
DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
- RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?
expand-property report, exapnding version-controlled-binding-set ?
RE: RFC3253 XML extensibility, was: LABEL request only allows one set, one add...
RE: realtive URI in DAV:response bodies
RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing t he Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
which special methods are needed on a webdav-server to work with the sharepoint client extension?
Marshalling Depth > 0 responses for REPORTs, WAS: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
Re: Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and not an OPTIONS request.
Derived objects
Does DAV:sucessor-set identifies working resources ?
WebDAV/DeltaV Face-to-Face Interoperability Testing Event
RE: Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and no t an OPTIONS request.
[ietf-dav-versioning] <none>
RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
- RE: error condition for delete of VHR when VCR is in checked-in c ollection
RE: Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and no t an OPTIONS request.
Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and not an OPTIONS request.
- RE: Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and not an OPTIONS request.
- RE: Marshalling DAV:xxx-collection-set as a live property, and not an OPTIONS request.
RE: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report
- RE: Replacing the Label header with a DAV:labeled-version report