RE: DeltaV methods on locked non-VCR: which response code?

> Some of us were assuming that checking for the lock ("as being
> had
> priority over checking of DeltaV precondition violations ... in which
> 423 would be the response in most of the cases below. But, as we can
> deduce
> from your response, that is not the case.

I would have expected that in some cases, many things can be wrong with
a request. The server is not required to check all the cases in a
particular order, or at least I am not aware of any requirements. 

So if a resource can't be checked out because it's not a VCR, and
furthermore it's locked, and furthermore the user wouldn't have
permission to edit the resource anyway... then whatever problem the
server encounters first could result in a response of 403, 409 or 423.


Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 12:29:31 UTC