from April 2017 by subject

[2dcontext-tests] added manual tests for drawFocusIfNeeded (#1248)

[2dcontext-tests] Canvas: no need for assert_throws(null, ...) (#5400)

[2dcontext-tests] Fix crop_area_byte_length calculation in crop_image and add tests (#5579)

[2dcontext-tests] Remove synchronous forks of drawImage tests, and enable proper asynchronous drawImage tests. (#5530)

[2dcontext-tests][html-tests] Add coverage for blend operations (#1822)

[2dcontext-tests][preload-tests] Removed unused/redundant fonts/CanvasTest.* (#5617)

[accelerometer-tests][ambient-light-tests][generic-sensor-tests][gyroscope-tests][magnetometer-tests] Generic Sensor: Extract common tests in a single file (#4386)

[accelerometer-tests][ambient-light-tests][gyroscope-tests][magnetometer-tests] Adapt sensor idlharness tests to latest spec (#)

[accelerometer-tests][ambient-light-tests][gyroscope-tests][magnetometer-tests] Adapt sensor idlharness tests to latest spec (#4793)

[animation-timing-tests] Add cancelAnimationFrame handle test for AnimationTiming (#1752)

[animation-timing-tests] Add FrameRequestCallback handle test for AnimationTiming (#1749)

[animation-timing-tests] Add FrameRequestCallback timestamp test for AnimationTiming (#1751)

[annotation-model-tests][annotation-protocol-tests] Added various features to permit running of tests by others (#4196)

[annotation-protocol-tests] Annotation protocol server tests (#3691)

[apng-tests] Add a web platform test for APNG (#5543)

[apng-tests][infra-tests] Add a web platform test for APNG (#5543)

[audio-output-tests] add idlharness cases for Audio Output Devices API (#3240)

[beacon-tests] Fix duplicate test names in beacon tests, a=testonly (#5360)

[beacon-tests] Support referrer policy in sendBeacon (#5357)

[clipboard-apis-tests] Merging generated clipboard API tests (#1242)

[css-align-3-tests] [css-align] Adds a simple TC for space-evenly & flexbox (#)

[css-align-3-tests] [css-align] Adds a simple TC for space-evenly & flexbox (#5336)

[css-display-3-tests] [css-display-3] Add tests for dynamic changes of display: contents pseudo-element styles. (#)

[css-display-3-tests] [css-display-3] Add tests for dynamic changes of display: contents pseudo-element styles. (#5343)

[css-display-3-tests] [css-display-3] Remove leftover test fragment. (#5507)

[css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox-1] Add a test for definite cross sizes (#5282)

[css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox] Add tests for intrinsic sizing behavior (#5281)

[css-flexbox-1-tests] Move `check-layout-th.js` to `css/support/` (#5698)

[css-flexbox-1-tests][infra-tests] Move `check-layout-th.js` to `css/support/` (#5698)

[css-grid-1-tests] [css-grid] Add test to verify the minimum size of images (#5287)

[css-grid-1-tests] [css-grid] Add test to verify the minimum size of images (#5337)

[css-grid-1-tests] [css-grid] Added tests for Distribution Alignment values (#)

[css-grid-1-tests] [css-grid] Added tests for Distribution Alignment values (#5600)

[css-grid-1-tests] Added tests for Distirbution Alignment values. (#)

[css-grid-1-tests] Added tests for Distirbution Alignment values. (#5600)

[css-masking-1-tests] Tests for scaled content with masks and mask-type property (#5279)

[css-namespaces-3-tests][css3-selectors-tests] Remove some 2009 era implemenation reports. (#5320)

[css-namespaces-3-tests][css3-selectors-tests] Remove some 2009 era implementation reports. (#5320)

[css-paint-api-1-tests] Create new top-level dir, OWNERS for CSS Paint API (#5723)

[css-position-3-tests] Upstream first set of position:sticky tests to WPT (#5643)

[css-regions-1-tests] Remove the use of Big Buck Bunny in favour of a slightly smaller file. (#5326)

[css-rhythm-1-tests] Fix line-height-step-valign-001 (#5251)

[css-shapes-1-tests] Image shape margin tests (#5278)

[css-shapes-1-tests] Set font when testing font relative units to make sure test is portable. (#)

[css-shapes-1-tests] Set font when testing font relative units to make sure test is portable. (#5252)

[css-syntax-3-tests] css3 syntax encoding tests (#5549)

[css-tables] Add spec link to 6 tests (#5615)

[css-tables] Remove explicit testharness.css links (#5616)

[css-tables] Remove trailing whitespace from WIP table tests (#5593)

[css-text-3-tests] Remove font flag from tests with @font-face (#5341)

[css-text-3-tests][infra-tests] [css-text-3] White space pre wrap end of line (#5283)

[css-timing-1-tests] Add tests to css-timing-1. (#5345)

[css-timing-1-tests][html-tests] Fix [[SetPrototypeOf]] on cross-origin objects to follow the spec. r=bholley,waldo (#5346)

[css-timing-1-tests][html-tests][web-animations-tests] Add tests for transformed-progress and input progress outside [0, 1]. (#5349)

[css-timing-1-tests][html-tests][web-animations-tests] Add tests in easing-test. (#5347)

[css-timing-1-tests][html-tests][web-animations-tests] Move the tests of input range outside [0, 1] into css-timing-1. (#5348)

[css-timing-1-tests][web-animations-tests] Add tests for transformed-progress and input progress outside [0, 1]. (#5349)

[css-timing-1-tests][web-animations-tests] Move the tests of input range outside [0, 1] into css-timing-1. (#5348)

[css-ui-3-tests] [css-ui-3] Add tests for text-overflow (#5285)

[css-ui-3-tests] [css-ui-3] Add tests for the resize property (#5386)

[css-ui-3-tests] [css-ui-3] Fixes incorrect test instructions (#5377)

[css-ui-3-tests] Css ui 3 fixes (#5419)

[css-ui-3-tests] Csswg test pr 1193 (#5386)

[css-writing-modes-3-tests] Remove giant unused ttf file. (#5328)

[CSS2-tests][css-regions-1-tests][css-writing-modes-3-tests][selectors4-tests] Remove "interact" flags for tests that can be run automatically (#)

[CSS2-tests][css-regions-1-tests][css-writing-modes-3-tests][selectors4-tests] Remove "interact" flags for tests that can be run automatically (#5370)

[css3-selectors-tests][infra-tests] Get the CSS 3 Selectors testsuite built and included (#5302)

[cssom-1-tests] [cssom-1] Add tests for the inline CSSStyleDeclaration being mutated not removing the style attribute. (#)

[cssom-1-tests] [cssom-1] Add tests for the inline CSSStyleDeclaration being mutated not removing the style attribute. (#5392)

[cssom-1-tests] Rewrite css/cssom-1/index-002 from generate_tests syntax (#)

[cssom-1-tests] Rewrite css/cssom-1/index-002 from generate_tests syntax (#5331)

[cssom-1-tests] Rewrite css/cssom-1/index-003 from generate_tests syntax (#)

[cssom-1-tests] Rewrite css/cssom-1/index-003 from generate_tests syntax (#5263)

[cssom-1-tests][cssom-tests][cssom-view-1-tests][cssom-view-tests] Merge css/cssom-1/ and css/cssom-view-1/ into cssom/ and cssom-view/ (#5269)

[cssom-1-tests][cssom-tests][cssom-view-1-tests][cssom-view-tests] Merge cssom/ and cssom-view/ into existing counterparts in css/ (#5269)

[cssom-1-tests][cssom-view-1-tests] CSSOM: make deleteMedium exception explicit and remove two redundant tests (#5399)

[cssom-tests] [cssom-1] Add tests for the inline CSSStyleDeclaration being mutated not removing the style attribute. (#5392)

[cssom-tests] [cssom] Add tests for the inline CSSStyleDeclaration being mutated not removing the style attribute. (#)

[cssom-tests] [cssom] Add tests for the inline CSSStyleDeclaration being mutated not removing the style attribute. (#5392)

[cssom-tests] CSSKeyframesRule::name setter doesn’t throw anymore (#5695)

[cssom-tests] Shorthand with variable reference should not have extra whitespace after colon for serialization (#5582)

[cssom-tests][cssom-view-1-tests][cssom-view-tests] Merge cssom/ and cssom-view/ into existing counterparts in css/ (#5269)

[cssom-view-tests] Add test for scrolling in Quirks and nonQuirks mode. (#)

[cssom-view-tests] Add test for scrolling in Quirks and nonQuirks mode. (#5637)

[cssom-view-tests] Add test for the one-argument version of scroll() and fix message for… (#)

[cssom-view-tests] Add test for the one-argument version of scroll() and fix message for… (#5632)

[cssom-view-tests] Add tests for scrollElement, scroll/client Width/Height to scrolling-… (#5654)

[cssom-view-tests] Adjust htmlelement-offset-width-001.html to make it work with testhar… (#)

[cssom-view-tests] Adjust htmlelement-offset-width-001.html to make it work with testhar… (#5663)

[cssom-view-tests] Change MediaQueryList-001 to test on min-width: 1px (#5652)

[cssom-view-tests] Fix assertions for inherited/owned properties of cssom-view/cssom-vie… (#)

[cssom-view-tests] Fix assertions for inherited/owned properties of cssom-view/cssom-vie… (#5679)

[cssom-view-tests] Make "element scroll maximum" test more reliable. #5634 (#5635)

[custom-elements-tests] Add tests for microtask checkpoints and custom element constructors (#)

[custom-elements-tests] Add tests for microtask checkpoints and custom element constructors (#5208)

[custom-elements-tests] Test that window.customElements is per global, not per-document (#5681)

[DOM-parsing-tests][domparsing-tests] Convert a DOM Parsing TODO file into a test (#)

[DOM-parsing-tests][domparsing-tests] Convert a DOM Parsing TODO file into a test (#5648)

[dom-tests] [dom] Fix flakiness of ParentNode-querySelector-All*.*. (#5595)

[dom-tests] Break up a test and give it names (#)

[dom-tests] Break up a test and give it names (#5314)

[dom-tests] Create DOMTokenList-supports.html (#2946)

[dom-tests] DOM: Incorrect test expectation (#5622)

[dom-tests] DOM: Test active flag for iterators (#5651)

[dom-tests] DOM: use a single exception for name validation (#5161)

[dom-tests] Fix attribute matching logic to follow the DOM standard. (#5545)

[dom-tests] Fix bugs in the matches() test. (#1577)

[dom-tests] Fix spelling (thrid->third) in wpt/dom/nodes. (#5642)

[dom-tests] Make EventListener-invoke-legacy.html a little more robust to missing interfaces. (#5571)

[dom-tests] Remove DeviceLightEvent implementation (#5729)

[dom-tests] Submit tests for ParentNode.{query,queryAll}. (#1562)

[dom-tests] Update Element-classlist.html to cover edge case (#5725)

[dom-tests][html-tests][xhr-tests] Start centralizing IDLs to reduce duplication and errors (#)

[dom-tests][html-tests][xhr-tests] Start centralizing IDLs to reduce duplication and errors (#5666)

[dom-tests][infra-tests][webmessaging-tests] prbuildbot testing (#4706)

[DOMEvents-tests] Rewrite Microsoft's KeyboardEvent tests. (#1630)

[domparsing-tests] Additional Tests for DOM Parsing and Serialization (#446)

[domparsing-tests] Create Element-insertAdjacentHTML.html (#2955)

[domparsing-tests] Create Range-createContextualFragment.html (#2963)

[editing-tests] Document format of editing/data/ files (#5318)

[encoding-tests] Big5 encoding and decoding tests (#3197)

[encoding-tests] EUC-jp encoding and decoding tests (#3198)

[encoding-tests] EUR-kr encoding and decoding tests (#3201)

[encoding-tests] gb18030 encoding and decoding tests (#3195)

[encoding-tests] GBK encoding and decoding tests (#3194)

[encoding-tests] ISO 2022-jp encoding and decoding tests (#3199)

[encoding-tests] Shift-JIS encoding and decoding tests (#3200)

[encrypted-media-tests] [eme] Fix #4279: Don't expect empty configuration to pass (#4287)

[encrypted-media-tests] [eme] Fix #4285: Remove unused media files (#4286)

[encrypted-media-tests] [eme] Fix #4716: Rename all encrypted-media tests to use https (#4717)

[encrypted-media-tests] [eme] Update playback-persistent-license-events to better record events (#4241)

[encrypted-media-tests] [eme] Update playback-retrieve-persistent-license test (#4242)

[eventsource-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in eventsource (#4978)

[eventsource-tests][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][webstorage-tests][workers-tests] Meta: update some READMEs to point to the HTML Standard (#)

[eventsource-tests][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][webstorage-tests][workers-tests] Meta: update some READMEs to point to the HTML Standard (#5385)

[feature-policy-tests] Added feature policy tests for header feature policy (#5055)

[fetch-tests] Adding redirect count tests in case of cross origin redirections (#4102)

[fetch-tests] Block scripts with text/csv, audio/*, video/* and image/* mime types (#5584)

[fetch-tests] CORS: stop testing 1xx for CORS preflights (#5378)

[fetch-tests] Fetch: Update IDL to fix syntax error (#5703)

[fetch-tests] Fix bug in request-init-003.sub.html (#5418)

[fetch-tests] Make no-location redirect response to be "opaque redirect" when redirect mode is manual. (#5551)

[fetch-tests] Make Request throw less often (fixes #13457) (#5573)

[fetch-tests] Reduce assert_throws(null, ...) usage in cors/ and selectors/ (#5389)

[fetch-tests] Testing Set-Cookie visibility in credentials include mode (#5315)

[fetch-tests][html-tests] Update tests for whatwg/html#1993 (#4115)

[FileAPI-tests] Add error tests for File API (#1622)

[frame-timing-tests] Add tests for the Frame Timing API (#1894)

[fullscreen-tests] Make @toddreifsteck Edge's owner for Fullscreen (#4664)

[fullscreen-tests] Test snapshotting of allowfullscreen attribute (#4354)

[geolocation-API-tests] Cleanup testharness-related code (#)

[geolocation-API-tests] Cleanup testharness-related code (#5559)

[geolocation-API-tests] Disable Geolocation on non-secure origins. (#5356)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry-1] Add DOMQuad test for Editor’s Draft. (#5702)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry-1] Add DOMRect test for Editor’s Draft. (#5740)

[geometry-1-tests] Test passing undefined to DOMMatrix/DOMMatrixReadOnly constructors (#5719)

[hr-time-tests] add a manual test for hr-time (#)

[hr-time-tests] add a manual test for hr-time (#5201)

[hr-time-tests][navigation-timing-tests] Check accuracy of High Resolution Time (#2452)

[html-media-capture-tests] Adapt html-media-capture tests to latest spec (#5312)

[html-media-capture-tests] Add note to CaptureFacingMode tests (#5697)

[html-tests] <template>.content.ownerDocument properties (#4261)

[html-tests] [html] Add test for shared event loops (#)

[html-tests] [html] Add test for shared event loops (#5738)

[html-tests] [modules] Add simple test concerning instantiation failure. (#5720)

[html-tests] Add a couple of tests that img delays the load event (#)

[html-tests] Add a couple of tests that img delays the load event (#5509)

[html-tests] Add a test for the legend element (#2171)

[html-tests] Add long timeout to modules test, (#5359)

[html-tests] Add manual test for <b> element (#1727)

[html-tests] Add sectioning tests. (#1538)

[html-tests] Add test for calling rIC on removed iframe. (#5367)

[html-tests] Add test for DataTransfer types (#1737)

[html-tests] Add test for DataTransfer.clearData() and DataTransferItem.getAsString() (#1725)

[html-tests] Add test for hashchange and popstate event (#1682)

[html-tests] Add test for HTMLInputElement select event (#1734)

[html-tests] Add test for HTMLSelectElement.add() (#1729)

[html-tests] Add test for HTMLTimeElement (#1668)

[html-tests] Add test for tabindex event (#1738)

[html-tests] Add test to verify scroll restoration order in history traversal (#2103)

[html-tests] Add tests for dialog centering (#4605)

[html-tests] Add tests for HTMLTableElement methods (#1723)

[html-tests] Add tests for marginwidth/leftmargin et al attributes on body/iframe (#5276)

[html-tests] Add tests for the document promises (#4171)

[html-tests] Add tests for time travel (#)

[html-tests] Add tests for time travel (#5311)

[html-tests] Add tests for turning off spellchecking (#4608)

[html-tests] Allow loading multiple stylesheets for the same link element. (#5585)

[html-tests] Annevk/html ancestororigins (#)

[html-tests] Annevk/html ancestororigins (#5402)

[html-tests] Avoid marking image element as complete before its image data is available. (#5575)

[html-tests] Change <menuitem> parsing rules to match spec (#5587)

[html-tests] Change charset test script URL to avoid relying on network behavior (#5532)

[html-tests] Don't create a new XHR until the previous one is complete. (#5581)

[html-tests] Don't test if idle callbacks may execute in the same period. (#5366)

[html-tests] Event loop tests for timeout to mutation observer task ordering (#2587)

[html-tests] Expand coverage on value-changing/selection-changing tests (#)

[html-tests] Expand coverage on value-changing/selection-changing tests (#5610)

[html-tests] Fix duplicate test names in selection test, (#5358)

[html-tests] Fix scrollbar issue in canvas-fallback.html (#4883)

[html-tests] Fix syntax error in open-features-tokenization-noopener.html test. (#5721)

[html-tests] followup: fix a bug in the test. (#5350)

[html-tests] form-autocomplete: Ensure tokens are converted to ASCII lowercase and split on whitespace (#5604)

[html-tests] Frameset color (#3660)

[html-tests] HTML: Add constructor for BeforeUnloadEvent (#5650)

[html-tests] HTML: Add tests for optional `` position, size features (#)

[html-tests] HTML: Add tests for optional `` position, size features (#5390)

[html-tests] HTML: Add tests for tokenization of noopener feature (#)

[html-tests] HTML: Add tests for tokenization of noopener feature (#5306)

[html-tests] HTML: Fix incorrect test for U+000C in features (#)

[html-tests] HTML: Fix incorrect test for U+000C in features (#5715)

[html-tests] HTML: Fix various bugs in new colSpan/rowSpan tests (#5706)

[html-tests] HTML: Fix various bugs in new colSpan/rowSpan tests (#5707)

[html-tests] HTML: remove test_throws abstraction from cross-origin-objects (#5528)

[html-tests] HTML: showModalDialog() has been removed from the platform (#5619)

[html-tests] HTML: simplify self.navigator test and correct User-Agent subtest (#5620)

[html-tests] HTML: test coverage 7.1.5: `_top`, `_self`, existing contexts (#5233)

[html-tests] HTML: Test interaction of alias features in (#)

[html-tests] HTML: Test interaction of alias features in (#5553)

[html-tests] HTML: Test that the timeout argument wraps around at 2**32 (#5383)

[html-tests] HTML: use step() rather than step_func() to actually run assertion (#5633)

[html-tests] Implement HTMLAnchorElement.rel getter and setter (#5583)

[html-tests] Implement HTMLMenuItemElement.label (#5711)

[html-tests] Implement ImageData constructors #15671 (#5576)

[html-tests] Implement nsTextEditorState::SetSelectionEnd. (#5353)

[html-tests] Implement nsTextEditorState::SetSelectionStart. (#5352)

[html-tests] Implement setter for document.domain (#5577)

[html-tests] Implement the form owner concept (#5578)

[html-tests] Make two promise-related tests deterministic (#5537)

[html-tests] move Opera's test on preload attribute to /html/semantics/embedded-content-0/media-elements/ (#539)

[html-tests] Move the test for setRangeText setting the dirty value flag into upstream wpt. (#5362)

[html-tests] Propagate uint32_t deeper into the editor state and text control frame code. (#5354)

[html-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in html/browsers (#4975)

[html-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in html/dom (#4972)

[html-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in html/infrastructure (#4974)

[html-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in html/semantics (#4962)

[html-tests] Second batch of submission moves (#15)

[html-tests] Semantic elements (time, output data) (#3177)

[html-tests] Show the line where JSON.parse throw an error (#4314)

[html-tests] Simplify the setup around the editor state's GetSelectionRange function. (#5351)

[html-tests] Source browsing tests (WIP) (#3060)

[html-tests] support structured cloning for Blob (#5580)

[html-tests] Test [[CanBlock]] in various agents (#5569)

[html-tests] Test adopting images into documents with different base URLs. (#5574)

[html-tests] Test img loading. WIP (#996)

[html-tests] Test loop behavior when seeking to the end of the media resource (#789)

[html-tests] Test same-value-setting not changing selection for input/textarea (#5147)

[html-tests] test that LF is allowed in the title attribute and the textarea element (#5272)

[html-tests] Test the <link> as content and IDL attributes (#5687)

[html-tests] tests for overwriting win.opener and accessing it x-domain (#999)

[html-tests] Update tests for whatwg/html#1993 (#4115)

[html-tests] Verify <img ismap> server coordinate origin interop (#5118)

[html-tests] WindowProxy: add same-origin indexed property tests (#)

[html-tests] WindowProxy: add same-origin indexed property tests (#5596)

[html-tests] WindowProxy: also attempt defining accessor indexed properties (#)

[html-tests] WindowProxy: also attempt defining accessor indexed properties (#5601)

[html-tests] WIP: SharedArrayBuffer structured cloning tests (#5003)

[html-tests][infra-tests] HTML: Test negative timeout in setTimeout/setInterval (#5380)

[html-tests][infra-tests] Test [[CanBlock]] in various agents (#)

[html-tests][infra-tests] Test [[CanBlock]] in various agents (#5569)

[html-tests][shadow-dom-tests] Add tests for slot.assignedElements() method (#4541)

[html-tests][webmessaging-tests] Add tests for the messageerror IDL and content attributes (#)

[html-tests][webmessaging-tests] Add tests for the messageerror IDL and content attributes (#5567)

[html-tests][workers-tests] Replaced some simple assert_object_equals cases. (#2092)

[IndexedDB-tests] - IndexedDB: Ensure any prior version of the database gets deleted before test (#5586)

[IndexedDB-tests] Ensure Indexed DB tests clean up after themselves (#5644)

[IndexedDB-tests] Fix some pretty inconsequential typos (#5694)

[IndexedDB-tests] Indexed DB: remove assert_throws(null, ...) usage (#5391)

[IndexedDB-tests] IndexedDB: Fix exception type expected for invalid transaction() mode (#5369)

[IndexedDB-tests] IndexedDB: objectStore() should fail after transaction is aborted (#5560)

[IndexedDB-tests] IndexedDB: Tests should self-cleanup (#5676)

[IndexedDB-tests] More thorough overlapping cursor tests. (#5374)

[IndexedDB-tests] Revert of More thorough overlapping cursor tests. (patchset #2 id:60001 of ) (#5375)

[IndexedDB-tests] Test for IndexedDB crashing bug found by clusterfuzz. (#5329)

[infra-tests] [check stability] Apply DBUS configuration in C.I. (#5709)

[infra-tests] [check_stability] Improve "changed file" detection (#5416)

[infra-tests] [DEBUBG] Demo effect of CI system modification (#5417)

[infra-tests] [DEBUG] Demo effect of CI system modification (#5417)

[infra-tests] [Do not merge] Tools2 (#5606)

[infra-tests] [stability] Report duplicate tests as "excess" (#5305)

[infra-tests] Accept partial dictionary definition in idlharness.js (#5717)

[infra-tests] Add codecov configuration. (#5623)

[infra-tests] Add running sauce labs to check_stability script (#5231)

[infra-tests] Add sauce labs capability (#)

[infra-tests] Add sauce labs capability (#5231)

[infra-tests] Add the test itself in get_affected_testfiles(). (#4709)

[infra-tests] Add tools submodule into this repository. (#5554)

[infra-tests] Add wptrunner to web-platform-tests (#5638)

[infra-tests] Allow failures in chrome stability check (#)

[infra-tests] Allow failures in chrome stability check (#5624)

[infra-tests] Changes based on my use of the tool (#2727)

[infra-tests] DEBUG Capture output from timeout (#5544)

[infra-tests] DEBUG Capture output from timeout (#5708)

[infra-tests] Experiment with infrastructure fix (#5371)

[infra-tests] fix check_stability script to work without TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG env var (#)

[infra-tests] fix check_stability script to work without TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG env var (#4809)

[infra-tests] Fix up hyperlink to testharness.js documentation in resources/ following move (#5674)

[infra-tests] Improve the robustness of get_branch_point (#)

[infra-tests] Improve the robustness of get_branch_point (#5411)

[infra-tests] Introduce automated tests for testharness.js (#5627)

[infra-tests] Make promise_test return promise of test completing (#5718)

[infra-tests] Merge testharness.js (#)

[infra-tests] Merge testharness.js (#5536)

[infra-tests] Move ci scripts to tools/ci (#5724)

[infra-tests] Only do travis branch builds on master (#5704)

[infra-tests] Remove CancellationError (#5733)

[infra-tests] Require Chrome stability check to pass before merge (#5640)

[infra-tests] Stability checker: escape vertical bar to avoid splitting table cells (#5539)

[infra-tests] Stability script: normalize results format (#5330)

[infra-tests] Switch to in-tree wptrunner for stability_check (#5722)

[infra-tests] Try setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS when running tests in Chromedriver (#)

[infra-tests] Try setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS when running tests in Chromedriver (#5626)

[infra-tests] Update "resources" submodule prior to merge (#5534)

[infra-tests] Update "resources" submodule prior to merge (#5591)

[infra-tests] Update README for submodule changes (#5607)

[infra-tests] Update travis status before optional jobs are finished. (#5639)

[infra-tests] Update WebIDL2 (#5665)

[infra-tests] Use text string field when sending keys (#5673)

[infra-tests][mediacapture-streams-tests] ENH: Update to latest specs. (#2729)

[infra-tests][payment-request-tests] Implement request id in PaymentDetailsInit (#5728)

[infra-tests][webdriver-tests] Introduce `create_session` "fixture" (#5303)

[infra-tests][webmessaging-tests] Testing prbuildbot (#4705)

[infra-tests][webrtc-tests] webrtc: add test for canTrickleIceCandidates (#)

[infra-tests][webrtc-tests] webrtc: add test for canTrickleIceCandidates (#5382)

[Media Capabilities] Rename query() to decodingInfo() and MediaDecodingAbility to MediaCapabilitiesInfo (#5529)

[media-source-tests] Proposed improvments to isTypeSupported tests (#1405)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#appendStream function (#954)

[mediacapture-streams-tests] Add test for MediaStreamTrack.getSettings() (#)

[mediacapture-streams-tests] Add test for MediaStreamTrack.getSettings() (#5114)

[mediacapture-streams-tests] Add test for MediaStreamTrack.getSettings() (Resubmit) (#5732)

[mixed-content-tests] mixed-content: Check that '' is not blocked as mixed content (#)

[mixed-content-tests] mixed-content: Check that '' is not blocked as mixed content (#5304)

[navigation-timing-tests] Fix PerformanceNavigationTiming accessor behavior after document detach. (#5254)

[netinfo-api-tests] Create idlharness tests for Network Information API (#3346)

[notifications-tests] Notifications: update IDL (#5188)

[orientation-event-tests] ondeviceorientationabsolute event attribute (#5149)

[page-visibility-tests] add test for pv prerender (#5185)

[page-visibility-tests] Added EventHandler definition (#5204)

[payment-request-tests] [payment-request] constructor() and show() tests (#4768)

[payment-request-tests] Add PaymentRequest constructor tests (#3441)

[payment-request-tests] Implement request id in PaymentDetailsInit (#5728)

[performance-timeline-tests] New PerformanceObserver tests (#4660)

[pointerevents-tests] [WIP, Not for Landing] Add some automations (#4640)

[pointerevents-tests] Add time stamp to the constructor of the events (#5677)

[pointerevents-tests] Make sure PointerEvents's isPrimary set correctly for stylus (#5735)

[pointerevents-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in pointerevents (#4970)

[pointerevents-tests] Set trusted flag of coalesced events at creation (#5322)

[preload-tests] Remove dupe media/CanvasTest.ttd and unused fonts/CanvasTest.sfd (#5678)

[preload-tests] Remove dupe media/CanvasTest.ttf and unused fonts/CanvasTest.sfd (#5678)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] add several tests for a receiving browsing context (#)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] add several tests for a receiving browsing context (#5562)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] add test cases for sending/receiving messages by a receiving user agent (#)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] add test cases for sending/receiving messages by a receiving user agent (#5520)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] correct how to terminate a connection (#5550)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Fix a broken href in the receiver's IDL harness (#5335)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] fix the "Creating a receiving browsing context" test (#5334)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update a test for reconnecting (#)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update a test for reconnecting (#5716)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update the test for getAvailability (#5731)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update two tests for PresentationRequest (#)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update two tests for PresentationRequest (#5713)

[presentation-api-tests] Use promise_test instead of async_test (#4330)

[referrer-policy-tests] Add test cases for multiple Referrer-Policy headers (#5054)

[resource-timing-tests] Add TAO tests for Resource Timing (#)

[resource-timing-tests] Add TAO tests for Resource Timing (#5117)

[selectors-api-tests] Remove query/queryAll tests for now (#5649)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add new tests for :focus-within as universal selector (#)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add new tests for :focus-within as universal selector (#5249)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add one more test for :focus-within and Shadow DOM (#5271)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add test for `:focus-within` after `display: none` (#5685)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add test for `focus` and `:focus-within` after `display: none` (#)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add test for `focus` and `:focus-within` after `display: none` (#5685)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Fix reference to avoid glitches on :focus-within tests (#5316)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Remove setTimeout() calls on :focus-within Shadow DOM tests (#5594)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Upstream WebKit test for :focus-within (#5261)

[service-workers-tests] [service workers] Reduce reliance on global state (#5206)

[service-workers-tests] Add tests for service worker inheritance (#4610)

[service-workers-tests] Add tests for the messageerror IDL attribute in service workers (#5628)

[service-workers-tests] Cache API tests: prepopulate cache in deterministic order (#5521)

[service-workers-tests] Cache Storage API tests: Fix WPT test bugs, remove redundant local copies (#5413)

[service-workers-tests] Fetch API: Update fetch request (#5324)

[service-workers-tests] fetch-event.https.html: Fix asserts mistakenly outside the promise chain (#5605)

[service-workers-tests] Fix crash in respondWith resolved callback. Don't reset interception if the sw throws after .respondWith(). (#5364)

[service-workers-tests] P2 Add WPT verifying MessageEvent.source is set correctly when sent from waiting ServiceWorker. (#5355)

[service-workers-tests] Service worker: test valid mime types (#5376)

[service-workers-tests] Service worker: Tests for updateViaCache (previously useCache) (#)

[service-workers-tests] Service worker: Tests for updateViaCache (previously useCache) (#5515)

[service-workers-tests] service workers: test FetchEvent.clientId is never null (#5372)

[service-workers-tests] Support PerformanceResourceTiming for Service Worker Navigation Preload (#5734)

[service-workers-tests] Support redirect responses for NavigationPreload (#5325)

[service-workers-tests] Update Error Event inside a worker to provide the exact exception value (#5404)

[service-workers-tests] Upstream service worker `client` tests to WPT (#5307)

[service-workers-tests] Upstream service worker `fetch` tests to WPT (#5680)

[service-workers-tests] Upstream service worker ext. event tests to WPT (#5511)

[shadow-dom-tests] Add `shadowdom-customelements` tests (#)

[shadow-dom-tests] Add `shadowdom-customelements` tests (#5705)

[shadow-dom-tests] Test of distributing slot fallback content in Document. (#5726)

[storage-tests] Add wpt test cases for SecureContext, (#5365)

[storage-tests] Load test case interfaces.html on https, (#5361)

[storage-tests] Upstream tests to WPT (#5513)

[storage-tests] Upstream StorageManager estimate() test to WPT (#5388)

[streams-tests] Add a test for subtle readable byte stream feature interactions (#5398)

[streams-tests] Deflake ReadableStream piping flow control test (#5662)

[streams-tests] ReadableStream: Add a test that all queued writes complete on error (#5636)

[streams-tests] ReadableStream: pipeThrough() is not fooled by a fake Promise (#5519)

[streams-tests] ReadableStream: Verify pipeThrough with real Proise / fake readable (#5379)

[streams-tests] ReadableStream: Verify pipeThrough with real Promise / fake readable (#5379)

[streams-tests] streams/piping/pipe-through.js: Tiny grammar fix (#5396)

[streams-tests] Streams: add missing "done()" to floating-point tests (#5589)

[streams-tests] streams: make sure ToString() is/isn't performed on arguments (#5260)

[streams-tests] Test that source closing doesn't shut down the pipe too early (#)

[streams-tests] Test that source closing doesn't shut down the pipe too early (#5270)

[streams-tests] Writable stream unified error behaviour tests (#)

[streams-tests] Writable stream unified error behaviour tests (#5421)

[streams-tests] WritableStream: check for non-standard classes, methods or args (#)

[streams-tests] WritableStream: check for non-standard classes, methods or args (#5505)

[streams-tests] WritableStream: minor test fixes (#5564)

[svg-tests] Add tests for SVGElement.ownerSVGElement. (#1879)

[svg-tests] SVG 2 marker tests (#4322)

[svg-tests] Use long timeout for the svg/interfaces.html test (#5414)

[System-Keyboard-Lock] Forward navigator functions to RenderFrameHost (#5737)

[uievents-tests] [InputEvent] Make StaticRange immutable and move tests to wpt (#5561)

[uievents-tests] Add tests for MouseEvent.{from,to}Element with Pointer Events (#4529)

[uievents-tests] Fix button event on mouse events. (#5710)

[uievents-tests] Move auxclick wpt test and add automation (#5739)

[url-tests] Extend test coverage in urlsearchparams-constructor.html (#5736)

[url-tests] Test how URL parser handles domains with empty labels (#5397)

[url-tests] URL: merge historical tests (#5658)

[url-tests] URL: per the standard a leading ? is removed for the search attribute setter (#5387)

[url-tests] URL: remove obsolete README bits (#5660)

[url-tests] URL: test interfaces in workers and test URLSearchParams (#)

[url-tests] URL: test interfaces in workers and test URLSearchParams (#5661)

[url-tests] URL: test the host parser (#4504)

[wai-aria-tests] Add aria11 tests and add myself to OWNERS (#5682)

[web-animations-tests] Upstream animation-ready-promise.html from Blink (#3330)

[web-animations-tests] Upstream time-consistent-across-frames.html from Blink (#)

[web-animations-tests] Upstream time-consistent-across-frames.html from Blink (#3345)

[web-animations-tests] Wait for animation ready before waiting a frame (#2938)

[webaudio-tests] Add Web Audio API editors to webaudio/OWNERS (#5655)

[webaudio-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in webaudio (#4980)

[webaudio-tests] Update link to Web Audio spec (#5618)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add a test to verify that the returned array and the passed in array … (#4180)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Added [SecureContext] to the subtle attribute (#5730)

[webdriver-tests] [webdriver] Add tests for "Get Title" command (#)

[webdriver-tests] [webdriver] Introduce `create_session` "fixture" (#)

[webdriver-tests] [webdriver] Introduce `create_session` "fixture" (#5303)

[webdriver-tests] Add @mjzffr to webdriver OWNERS (#5510)

[webdriver-tests] Add tests for "Get Title" command (#)

[webdriver-tests] Add tests for "Get Title" command (#5275)

[webdriver-tests] Clean up fixtures for session creation in wdspec. (#)

[webdriver-tests] Clean up fixtures for session creation in wdspec. (#5506)

[webdriver-tests] Ensure that finalizers for webdriver tests always work on a valid window. (#5363)

[webdriver-tests] Introduce `create_session` "fixture" (#5303)

[webdriver-tests] WebDriver new session tests. (#)

[webdriver-tests] WebDriver new session tests. (#5187)

[webdriver-tests] webdriver: add tests for protocol chapter (#2752)

[webgl-tests] Allow async webgl conformance tests to complete. (#5572)

[webgl-tests] Fix lint error in conformance-1.0.3 (#3221)

[WebIDL-tests] WebIDL tests (#271)

[WebIDL-tests][infra-tests] WebIDL and idlharness: Add a prototype class string test to WebIDL/ d… (#5653)

[webmessaging-tests] Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in webmessaging (#4963)

[webmessaging-tests] webmessaging: Always use an array to pass transferables via postMessage() (#5538)

[webrtc-tests] Add @foolip, @guidou and @henbos to webrtc/OWNERS (#5696)

[webrtc-tests] Add centralized IDL test for WebRTC (#)

[webrtc-tests] Add centralized IDL test for WebRTC (#5712)

[webrtc-tests] Add RTCCertificate IDL test (#5692)

[webrtc-tests] Add RTCIceCandidate IDL test (#5688)

[webrtc-tests] Add RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent IDL test (#5691)

[webrtc-tests] Add RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent IDL test (#5690)

[webrtc-tests] Add RTCSessionDescription IDL test (#5689)

[webrtc-tests] Add test for WebRTC data channels conformance to IDL definition (#4624)

[webrtc-tests] Adding tests for RTCDataChannel id attribute. (#5742)

[webrtc-tests] Adds a basic function check for GetStats (#4499)

[webrtc-tests] Adds testing of error codes for bogus setRemoteDescription calls. (#4243)

[webrtc-tests] Flatten the webrtc/ directory to make it less confusing (#5657)

[webrtc-tests] RTCPeerConnection: match createDataChannel signature in spec (#5656)

[webrtc-tests] Test requirements from JSEP on initial offer for 1 data channel (#2301)

[webrtc-tests] Update RTCPeerConnection IDL test to latest editor draft (#5693)

[webrtc-tests] webrtc: add test for canTrickleIceCandidates (#5382)

[webrtc-tests] webrtc: dont use addStream/onaddstream (#)

[webrtc-tests] webrtc: dont use addStream/onaddstream (#5557)

[webrtc-tests] webrtc: remove setRemoteDescription / msid test (#5602)

[websockets-tests] Convert WebSocket tests to .any.js format (#5148)

[webvtt-tests] Cue text parsing tests (#5570)

[webvtt-tests] Remove redundant WebVTT test (#5338)

[webvtt-tests] Test that removed WebVTT APIs are not supported (#4997)

[WOFF2-tests] Remove font flag from tests with @font-face (#5341)

[workers-tests] Fix incorrect tests for storage APIs in data: URL workers (#4832)

[xhr-tests] Change onreadystatechange assertion to a minimum of 2 rather than 10, (#5368)

[xhr-tests] Fix formdata-blob.htm (#5517)

[xhr-tests] Test a non-primitive in FormData iteration (#5741)

[xhr-tests] XMLHttpRequest: Check for lowercase header names in getAllResponseHeaders() (#5565)

[xhr-tests] XMLHttpRequest: upload listener flag (#5122)

Add a CSS test for radial gradients. (#5645)

Add a CSS test for radial gradients. (#5647)

Add a few tests for whether CSS subresources are critical (#5525)

Add new folder for staticrange (#5344)

add some testcases for wake lock api (#2592)

Add specific error for Bluetooth's test (#5516)

Add WebVR IDL test (#4379)

Added a test in response to Issue 2747813006 ( and upstreamed it to wpt (#5323)

Conformance tests for IntersectionObserver. (#4384)

Create new top-level dir, OWNERS for CSS Paint API (#5723)

Create OWNERS for Bluetooth. (#5394)

CSP: 'strict-dynamic' should allow 'new Worker()' (#5405)

CSP: Enable whitelisting of external JavaScript via hashes (#5508)

CSS svg-transform from Adobe: correct assert_throws usage (#5527)

css-tables branch from csswg-test (#5540)

Do not merge - add test to new directory for testing exporter (#5332)

Do not merge - add test to new directory for testing exporter (#5333)

Document available methods of multi-global tests (#5659)

Documentation on test name flags. (#)

Documentation on test name flags. (#5699)

Drop SiteBoundCredential in favor of CredentialUserData (#5700)

EE: Subsumption Algorithm -- Part 5 (#4338)

Experiment with infrastructure fix (#5371)

Fix lint to parse args after API change (#5542)

Fixed external wpt csp img-src/* tests. (#5210)

Initial pass of WebVR 1.1 conformance tests (#5535)

Media Capabilities: add MediaDecodingConfiguration.idl and update to Spec (#5548)

Meta: typo fix (#5514)

Modify and Add tests to OffscreenCanvas promise-based commit() (#4604)

Move css-transforms-2 tests into their own directory (#5603)

Move failing-test.html out of common. (#1605)

Move testharness.js docs to not be in iframes (#5675)

Mozilla reftest export 20170406 (#5415)

Mozilla reftest export 20170410 (#5518)

Remove a giant Hixie comment test. (#5321)

Remove work in progress from test the web forward. (#5327)

Removed deprecated WebVR functionality (#5373)

Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in old-tests/Microsoft (#4961)

Replace usage of setTimeout with step_timeout in old-tests/webdriver (#4969)

Report: Inconsistency in HTTP 204 response body parsing (#5227)

Selection: removeRange on range that's not in selection should throw (#5686)

Selection: Test empty() and setPosition() (#5684)

Selection: Test Selection.type (#5683)

Split CSP into pre- and post-upgrade checks (#5609)

Support reftest-wait in web-platform-tests (#5057)

Test hidden `nonce` content attribute behavior. (#5423)

Test HTTP parsing (#5102)

Test nonce-hiding behavior. (#)

Test nonce-hiding behavior. (#5423)

Un-skipped wpt csp child-src tests (#5522)

Un-skipped wpt csp generic tests (#5420)

Un-skipped wpt embedded enforcement tests (#5401)

Un-skipped wpt frame-ancestors tests (#5422)

Un-skipped wpt/csp/svg tests (#5523)

Update mozilla CSS reftests as of 2017-04-20 (#5621)

Upstream FontFaceSetLoadEvent constructor test to wpt (#5701)

web-nfc: add IDL harness tests (#5267)

Last message date: Sunday, 30 April 2017 08:12:06 UTC