Re: [html-tests] HTML: remove test_throws abstraction from cross-origin-objects (#5528)

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# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 1aacc538d10dadf6a62c20b540b254e55a629a3a
Using browser at version BuildID 20170409194145; SourceStamp 45692c884fdd5136a64fb2f8a61a0c8183b69331
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>1 test ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/origin/cross-origin-objects/cross-origin-objects.html</a></summary>

|                                                       Subtest                                                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                                     | OK      |          |
| `Basic sanity-checking`                                                                                             | PASS    |          |
| `Basic sanity-checking (exception type)`                                                                            | PASS    |          |
| `Only whitelisted properties are accessible cross-origin`                                                           | PASS    |          |
| `Only whitelisted properties are accessible cross-origin (exception type)`                                          | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetPrototypeOf]] should return null`                                                                             | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetPrototypeOf]] should return null (exception type)`                                                            | PASS    |          |
| `[[SetPrototypeOf]] should return false`                                                                            | PASS    |          |
| `[[SetPrototypeOf]] should return false (exception type)`                                                           | PASS    |          |
| `[[IsExtensible]] should return true for cross-origin objects`                                                      | PASS    |          |
| `[[IsExtensible]] should return true for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                     | PASS    |          |
| `[[PreventExtensions]] should throw for cross-origin objects`                                                       | PASS    |          |
| `[[PreventExtensions]] should throw for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                      | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Properties on cross-origin objects should be reported |own|`                                  | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Properties on cross-origin objects should be reported |own| (exception type)`                 | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Property descriptors for cross-origin properties should be set up correctly`                  | PASS    |          |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Property descriptors for cross-origin properties should be set up correctly (exception type)` | PASS    |          |
| `[[Delete]] Should throw on cross-origin objects`                                                                   | PASS    |          |
| `[[Delete]] Should throw on cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                                  | PASS    |          |
| `[[DefineOwnProperty]] Should throw for cross-origin objects`                                                       | PASS    |          |
| `[[DefineOwnProperty]] Should throw for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                      | PASS    |          |
| `[[Enumerate]] should return an empty iterator`                                                                     | PASS    |          |
| `[[Enumerate]] should return an empty iterator (exception type)`                                                    | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return all properties from cross-origin objects`                                        | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return all properties from cross-origin objects (exception type)`                       | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return the right symbol-named properties for cross-origin objects`                      | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return the right symbol-named properties for cross-origin objects (exception type)`     | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should place the symbols after the property names after the subframe indices`                  | PASS    |          |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should place the symbols after the property names after the subframe indices (exception type)` | PASS    |          |
| `A and B jointly observe the same identity for cross-origin Window and Location`                                    | PASS    |          |
| `A and B jointly observe the same identity for cross-origin Window and Location (exception type)`                   | PASS    |          |
| `Cross-origin functions get local Function.prototype`                                                               | PASS    |          |
| `Cross-origin functions get local Function.prototype (exception type)`                                              | PASS    |          |
| `Cross-origin Window accessors get local Function.prototype`                                                        | PASS    |          |
| `Cross-origin Window accessors get local Function.prototype (exception type)`                                       | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different functions for cross-origin objects`                                            | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different functions for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                           | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Window`                                             | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Window (exception type)`                            | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Location`                                           | PASS    |          |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Location (exception type)`                          | PASS    |          |
| `{} does the right thing on cross-origin objects`                                                   | PASS    |          |
| `{} does the right thing on cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                  | PASS    |          |


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Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 17:11:41 UTC