Re: [webrtc-tests] Add centralized IDL test for WebRTC (#5712)

>> Do you mean AFAICT all the IDL from the spec has been copied.
> All the IDL definitions have been copied from the spec. However only objects of IDLs in are constructed for testing.

Can you add TODOs for the rest? It will not be obvious from the test at a glance which interfaces aren't tested with instances.

>> Do you need to do some kind of cleanup, or what is the X?
> The call to `idlArray.add_objects()` are asynchronous inside nested promise_test. The final `idlArray.test()` tests all added objects in one go, and should be called only when the sub promise_tests are done. (Is nested testing allowed with testharness?)

I think that with the suggested changes, you should end up with just a single explicit `promise_test`, which as its last step will call `idlArray.test()`, so hopefully this need will disappear.

(It is possible to test tests, e.g. to create one `async_test` at the end of another. I always find it harder to follow though, so avoid it where possible.)

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Received on Thursday, 27 April 2017 08:06:11 UTC