Re: [html-tests] HTML: Add tests for optional `` position, size features (#5390)

@zcorpan I've fleshed out considerably and also cleaned up history.

For the current batch of tests:
* Chrome passes everything
* Firefox is choking on a couple of tokenization tests — not handling feature separators per newest spec language
* Safari likes to mess with `height` in a manner I haven't tracked down yet. Windows opened with `height` values are ending up about 74px shorter than requested. Space for chrome deducted, maybe?

Of these, the Safari disparity might be worth checking out. Not sure.

Note tests [015]( and [016]( : observed browser behavior vis-a-vis invalid `width` and `height` values is described in a comment there — negative values are not treated as `0` but instead as the minimum allowed value for the dimension in question. This behavior is consistent in the browsers I tested in. Seems like OK behavior to me.

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Received on Friday, 7 April 2017 20:07:29 UTC