www-lib@w3.org from January to March 2000 by subject

$/W3C Libraries/w3c-libwww-5.2.8/Library/src

***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL

[Bug in HTNet module ?]

[Fwd: servlet sample import section for Jigsaw web server]

[Re: libwww pipelining recovery bug?]


[www-lib] <none>

Addition to the HTCache API.


binary distribution

Bootstrap bug

Broken Pipes

Bug in HTCache?

Bug in HTNet module ?

Bug in libwww-5.2.8: Library/src/HTCookie.c

building a proxy server with libwww

Can you please help me.

Can't install


Commited patch for MD5 digest authentication

Compiling under mingw32

Connecting to Prolog and SGML/HTML trouble

default MIME type handler

Dependency on MSVCRTD.DLL

detecting the prescence of a network?


Does libwww support Cookie

Downloading with the ROBOT

Errors reading returned data after a POST

Event timeouts

Execution issue - new user

Found a bug?

ftp deadlock (+post callbacks) patch

FTP transfers

Fwd: Stupid Question

GET connection never times out on WIN32

gethostbyname() timeout

Got Post??

help on cookie

Help on POST

Help Timeout

Help! How to Compile W3Lib into 16-bit DLLs?

How to make a synchronized post?

how to prevent the infinite http redirection

How to program

How to submit.


HTEventList_stopLoop() hangs

HTFile problem?

HTList enhancement

HTLoadToChunk in 5.2.8

HTLocal bug?

HTProfile memory leak?

I already have expat: how to use it?

Infinite loop when reading "file:" HTML

Installation problem

Is libwww multithread-safe?

JavaScript functions?


libwww and java

libwww and storing cookies

libwww death loop?

libwww patch

libwww pipelining bug

libwww pipelining bug?

libwww pipelining recovery bug?

libwww ssl HTSSL_init problem: SSL_connect failed


libwww-SSL library

libwww-SSL library - Legal

LineMode compiling under Windows

LineMode patches

LINK error 2001 in MSVC 6.0

Local file problems


Memory leak and CVS build

Memory leaks ?

MIME help...

missing functions?

multiple ssl requests

Newbie www-lib programer..

newbie--http question

Newbie: Books on libwww?

Newbie: Memory leak problem

Partial HTTP download?

Patch for MD5 digest authentication memory leak

Patch for the HTArray_firstObject() macro

Patches for various leaks

pb with HTHost_setEventTimeout

perl engine

Please Help on Synchronous Post...

Post Form return data

POST wrapper

PostFormAnchorToChunk function??? (Emergency)



question when i complier

servlet sample import section for Jigsaw web server




ssl 2.0

Strange version number

Stupid Question

Timeout bug in HTEvtLoop

Timeouts on a single form

Two libwww documentation problems

Use libwww with MT library on Solaris

Use of the CONNECT method

Using libwww as a static library in a shared object?

Using the cache with deflated responses

Very Frustrated

w3c options

Web Robot reaches unexpected HTTP state

webbot - clf IP addresses

webbot broken pipe

webbot problem

webbot-5.2.8: Bus error

webbot-5.2.8: minor bug & fix for "-norobotstxt" argv (I think)

WebServer sample ?

What is it with MaxSock.


xmlparse.dll included in libwww distribution

Y2K bug of w3c-libwww-5.2.8/Library/src/HTWWWStr.c:HTParseTime() ?

Last message date: Thursday, 30 March 2000 06:14:15 UTC