Execution issue - new user

Hello there,

I am new to www-lib.. I actually just installed it tonight... I finally figured
out how to get things to compile. Now that I have done so.. I am having issues
running some of the test code... I took the very first two examples of code to
test my install and compiled them. To do this I found the sample on the web and

#include "WWWLib.h"

int main()
    HTLibInit("TestApp", "1.0");
    return 0;
} //End

into a local file called startlib.c. I then compiled it using:
gcc -o test `libwww-config --cflags` startlib.c `libwww-config --libs`

This part worked wonderfully. I then however to take the test one step further
executed test with:


and recieved the following error:
error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libwwwapp.so.0: undefined symbol: HTZLib_inflate

Does anyone know what I have done wrong?

Noah Arliss
Senior - Brandeis Univeristy

Received on Saturday, 5 February 2000 02:47:15 UTC