HTLoadToChunk in 5.2.8


I'm trying to use HTLoadToChunk() in the 5.2.8 release, and at the point
data starts coming in from the origin server I am prompted for the filename
to save the contents, and nothing is written to the chunk (though it is
created). My code is essentially the following:

request = HTRequest_new();
doc = HTLoadToChunk("", request);
if (doc != NULL) {
    /* process result */
/* cleanup */

I assume I'm doing something fundamentally wrong: it is unclear to me why a
call to HTLoadToChunk would want to stream the data to a file. I started
stepping through the code but decided I'd ask before going too deep.

FWIW, I'm on Solaris 2.6.

Thanks in advance for any pointers,


Received on Thursday, 3 February 2000 17:43:28 UTC