Bug in libwww-5.2.8: Library/src/HTCookie.c


	I think, there is a bug in the file HTCookie.c. The function
	HTCookie_beforeFilter() separates the cookies with ',' (line 304).
	But the RFC 2109 says, that the cookies have to be separated by a

	I changed this in my libwww sources and now my webserver gets all
	the cookies in a right way. Actually I use the Solaris-Apache. It
	works fine now.


Thomas Apsel                              mailto:Thomas.Apsel@munich.ixos.de
IXOS SOFTWARE AG                          Tel.: +49.(0)89.4629.1817
Bretonischer Ring 12                      Fax.: +49.(0)89.4629.33.1817
D-85630 Grasbrunn                         http://www.ixos.de

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2000 10:26:46 UTC