Re: HTLocal bug?

Kinuko Yasuda <> wrote:
> If FileEvent() returns here(as in my patch), the previous file open
> eventually finishes and calls FileEvent() with HTEvent_CLOSE, then
>  1. FileEvent() calls FileCleanup(),
>  2. FileCleanup() calls HTNet_delete(), 
>  3. HTNet_delete() calls unregister_net(),
>  4. unregister_net() calls check_pending(),
>  5. check_pending() calls HTHost_launchPending(), and
>  6. HTHost_launchPending() launches the postponed request
>     in the host->pending.

This is how I thought things should work as well, but they don't seem to. I
keep getting a trace message like this:
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered

As in, calling HTHost_launchPending() can't find a callback to get the
request underway.

It looks to me to be a fair bit of work to add an ActivateRequest callback
to HTFile.c, and I'm not sure how to go about it.
Sam Couter                                    
Internet Engineer                     
tSA Consulting

Received on Monday, 14 February 2000 21:13:52 UTC