2nd call: VoCamp Ibiza 2009
2nd CfP: Applications of Semantic Technologies AST2009
4th Summer School for Multimedia Semantics (SSMS'09) - Call for Applications
5th Reasoning Web Summer School 2009 - call for participation
[1st CFP] 3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability (RuleML-2009)
[Announce] jOWL 1.0 release
[ARCOE-09] Extended Submission Deadline: March 18th 2009
[CFP] DEADLINE APPROACHING -- Electronic Commerce and Web 3.0 track @ EC-Web 2009
[Deadline approaching] IEEE IRI 2009
[DEADLINE EXTENSION - April 10] Electronic Commerce and Web 3.0 Track @ EC-Web 2009
[Final CFP] IEEE IRI 2009
[FYI] Deadline extended: 1st Workshop on the Economics of Knowledge-based Technologies (ECONOM 2009)
[ontolog-forum] EU FP Ontology projects
[ontolog-invitation] Reminder to register for the Ontology Summit, coming up soon. Registration closes March 31, 2009 [theme: Ontologies and Standards]
[SPOT2009] deadline extension till 11 March 2009
ann: DERI Pipes 0.7 + dbpedia/opencalais example
ANN: Silk - Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data released.
ANN: Tal4Rdf 0.3 (Template Language for RDF)
ANN: Visual Data Search and Navigation
ANN: XSPARQL language specification
Announcing EASSS 2009 and MALLOW 2009 in Turin
AW: ANN: Silk - Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data released.
Call for Chapters E-Government Website Development
Call for Chapters proposal for the book "Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments: Trends and Perspectives"
Call for Host: Persuasive 2010
Call for Journal Papers: Special Issue Evaluation Aspects of Semantic Search Applications (IJMSO, ISSN:1744-2621)
Call for Papers - IPM Special Issue on Managing and Mining Multilingual Documents
Call for Papers OnTheMove 2009 Conferences, Workshops and Academy (OTM '09)
Call For Papers: GKR 2009 (Deadline 17th March)
Call for papers: SSLD 2009
Call for Participation: 3rd STI Roadmapping Workshop, 1st June, 2009
CfP (2nd call) 1st International Workshop on Stream Reasoning
CFP (2nd call): 1st International Workshop on the Semantic Sensor Web (SemSensWeb 2009)
CfP (3rd call) 1st International Workshop on Stream Reasoning (extended deadline)
CFP - Electronic Commerce and Web 3.0 Track @ EC-Web 2009
CFP : Czech Republic- NDT2009
CFP CAIP'09: The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
CfP i-Semantics 2009 / PW09 - extension of submission date April, 6th
CFP IRMLeS'09: deadline extension
CFP: (MOST-ONISW@ER 2009) - Joint International Workshop on Metamodels, Ontologies, Semantic Technologies and Information Systems for The Semantic Web
CFP: (SFSW) Scripting For the Semantic Web Deadline extension to 14th March
CFP: 4th Workshop on the Future of Web Search: Semantic Search
CFP: AIED'09 Workshop on Ontologies and Social Semantic Web for Intelligent Educational Systems ( SWEL'09)
CFP: AMAI Special Issue on Commonsense Reasoning for the Semantic Web (deadline extended to 4th of April)
CFP: Creative Commons Technology Summit
CFP: Journal of Web Semantics - New Interaction Designs for Semantic Web (reminder)
CFP: London-ICADIWT2009
CFP: Reminder: Deadline i-Semantic 09 and PW09 on March 9th
Civic Hacking, the Semantic Web, and Visualization
CSE-09 Call For Papers (Vancouver, Canada, August 29-31, 2009)
Deadline approaching: March 31, 2009 -- IEEE SMC 2009 Call for papers, and tutorial sessions
Deadline approaching: March 31, 2009, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 13-16, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
Deadline extended to March 31, 2009 -- IEEE SMC 2009 Call for papers, and tutorial sessions
Deadline extended: Webcentives workshop at WWW'09
Deadline Extension --- SEMSEARCH'09 (Semantic Search Workshop located at WWW 2009)
Deadline Extension: 2009 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 13-16, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
Deadline Extension: IEEE Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA 2009)
Draft paper submission deadline extended
ESWC 2009: Call for Posters
EU FP Ontology projects
Extended Deadline: CfP Web Semantics (WebS) 2009
Extended deadline: Workshop on CONTEXT, INFORMATION and ONTOLOGIES - CIAO 2009
Final Call for Papers: 3rd International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2009)
Final CFP: AMAI Special Issue on Commonsense Reasoning for the Semantic Web
FINAL REMINDER: ECCOMAS VipIMAGE 2009 Submission deadline: April 6
first and rdf:rest as functional property
firts and rdf:rest as functional property
- Chris Mungall (Friday, 20 March)
- Ross Horne (Tuesday, 24 March)
- Pat Hayes (Monday, 23 March)
- Michael Schneider (Friday, 20 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 20 March)
- Michael Schneider (Friday, 20 March)
- Michael Schneider (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Story Henry (Friday, 20 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 20 March)
- Michael Schneider (Friday, 20 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Story Henry (Friday, 20 March)
- Richard H. McCullough (Friday, 20 March)
- Bijan Parsia (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Bijan Parsia (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
- Bijan Parsia (Friday, 20 March)
- Reto Bachmann-Gmür (Friday, 20 March)
Freedom of speech, freedom of information and linked open data
Fwd: Linked Data and REST architectural style (was: This is REST)
Geo vocabulary - relating geo:Point values to other entoties
I-KNOW '09 Deadline Extension
ICEBE 2009 Call for Papers
IEEE APSCC 09 Advance Call for Papers
IEEE APSCC 09 Call for Tutorial Proposals
IEEE APSCC 09 Call for Workshop Proposals - due in 1 week
IEEE IRI 2009: Deadline Extended to March 29
IICAI-09 Call for papers
Job offer: PhD position
K-CAP 2009: Deadlines for research papers and tutorial proposals approaching (The 5th Intl. Conference on Knowledge Capture)
Last Call: VoCamp Ibiza 2009
Last CFP Workshop on Natural Language Engineering of Legal Argumentation
Last CFP: LOAIT 2009
Last Reminder: I-SEMANTICS / ICPW '09 Call for Papers
malfunction of list message delivery: multiple copies delivery
MIDDLEWARE 2009 - Call for Workshop Proposals
new OWL 2 draft, "Document Overview"
PhD Fellowship in eBusiness
Post-Doc position at INRIA : Social network analysis and formal models of tagging activities to assist technology monitoring and other corporate intelligence activities
process to discover and adopt/adapt relationships
- Pieter De Leenheer (Thursday, 19 March)
- Richard H. McCullough (Monday, 16 March)
- John Graybeal (Friday, 13 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 13 March)
- Aldo Gangemi (Thursday, 12 March)
- Pierre-Antoine Champin (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Giovanni Tummarello (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Mathieu D'Aquin (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Semantics-ProjectParadigm (Wednesday, 11 March)
- John Graybeal (Wednesday, 11 March)
Second Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals: ICITST. The 4th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Section
Semantic Debate and Reasoning Web Application
Semantic Web for Dummies - Complimentary Book Chapter download
Semantic Web project in the Dell Social Innovation Competition
SPARQL Endpoints in Knoodl
SSSW09: 7th Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web: Registration is now Open
The 2nd UAE Symposium on Web Services
Third Provenance Challenge - Call for Participation
Update: Virtuoso LOD Cloud Hosting Instance
Video on RDFa in Drupal - examples and use cases
Visual Data Search and Navigation
Vocabularies for content keyword classification?
- John Graybeal (Wednesday, 11 March)
- Ed Summers (Tuesday, 10 March)
- Peter Krantz (Monday, 9 March)
- Leo Sauermann (Monday, 9 March)
- paola.dimaio@gmail.com (Thursday, 5 March)
- Nicolas Chauvat (Thursday, 5 March)
- Gustavo Frederico (Thursday, 5 March)
- Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) (Thursday, 5 March)
- Peter Krantz (Thursday, 5 March)
VoCamp Austin this Weekend
VoCamp in Austin Texas, March 28 and 29
Whether description logic have a text edit tool?
workbench tools for rendering, visualization, mapping and schematics for semantic web
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2009 17:01:28 UTC