Re: Semantic Debate and Reasoning Web Application

Hi Chris,

> Hi,
> I'm at the brainstorming stage of a semantic application, and I'd like to
> get some feedback. I'd like to create a web application that would provide a
> structured debating format that would incorporate semantic rules and logic
> entered by users. The basic idea is that a user would enter an assertion,
> evidence, and definitions, and other users would vote on the accuracy of
> these elements, or extend them with their own arguments. The system would
> also make an attempt to validate logical arguments, and show where a user's
> line of reasoning is incomplete, flawed, or contradictory, and would need
> correction or clarification.

"Argumentation" might be similar to what you are proposing:

An application in bioinformatics is presented in (open access article):


<> dc:creator [
   foaf:name "Tore Eriksson",
             "トーレ エリクソン"@jp;
   foaf:mbox_sha1sum "2bd9291b301f112775e118f96eb63314594b1a86";
   foaf:workplaceHomepage <> ].

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 03:50:23 UTC