from August 2014 by subject

[Bug 25607] Need to advise authors about security considerations

[Bug 25618] Extensibility: Offer spec-blessed ways to extend the algorithms and curves, rather than monkey-patching the spec

[Bug 25721] extractable keys should be disabled by default

[Bug 25839] Curve25519 Named Curve

[Bug 25972] Please require a secure origin

[Bug 25985] WebCrypto should be inter-operable

[Bug 26080] Remove unsafe named curves from Web Crypto API

[Bug 26311] Algorithm names should be enforced to be ASCII and normalized to lowercase

[Bug 26411] Caller can't force JWK to be distinguished as public or private key

[Bug 26465] Algorithm normalization doesn't allow arbitrary operations for AlgorithmIdentifier fields

[Bug 26536] New: Length property of HmacDerivedKeyParams seems redundant

[Bug 26674] New: Use required dictionary entries instead of hacks with nullable

[minutes] Re: [W3C Web Crypto WG] discussing with Trevor Perrin on 18th of August @ 20:00

[W3C Web Crypto WG] a new W3C Process is now Operational

[W3C Web Crypto WG] about extensions to Web Crypto specification

[W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus on the integration of curve25519 in WG deliverables (please vote until the 26th of August)

[W3C Web Crypto WG] discussing with Trevor Perrin on 18th of August

[W3C Web Crypto WG] discussing with Trevor Perrin on 18th of August @ 20:00 -> confirmed

[W3C Web Crypto WG] discussing with Trevor Perrin on curve25519 draft

[W3C Web Crypto WG] minutes of our call today

[W3C Web Crypto WG] our call today @ 20:00 UTC - objective and next steps

[W3C Web Crypto WG] status on bug 25618 related to NUMS/25519 curves and proposed way forward

[W3C Web Crypto WG] status on bug 25618 related to specification extensibility

[W3C Web Crypto WG] Take away from 11th of August WG call (mainly on NUMS curves integration)

Cancelling meeting today?

EC "raw"

Extensibility reviews?

On Registries

RE : [W3C Web Crypto WG] about extensions to Web Crypto specification

Register for TPAC F2F: 30 October

Spec for RSA-OAEP doesn't say what to do for null or missing or array buffer view labels

W3C Web Crypto WG - about the NUMS/25519 curves integration in Web Crypto API

W3C Web Crypto Workshop : agenda is available and few seats left

Last message date: Thursday, 28 August 2014 21:37:36 UTC