[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 26 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 26 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 26 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 19 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 19 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 19 January)
- mbrodesser (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 19 January)
- mbrodesser (Tuesday, 18 January)
- mbrodesser (Monday, 17 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 12 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 12 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 12 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 12 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 12 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 4 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
- snianu (Monday, 3 January)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add Custom Clipboard format support to async clipboard. (PR #162)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 January)
- CSS Meeting Bot (Friday, 14 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 12 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 12 January)
- snianu (Friday, 7 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 7 January)
- snianu (Thursday, 6 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 6 January)
- zbyte-king (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 5 January)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Arbitrary clipboard types (Issue #165)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Option to specify ClipboardItem is sensitive in .write() and .writeText() (#154)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Remove clipboard-write permission (PR #164)
- Marcos Cáceres (Saturday, 29 January)
- snianu (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 26 January)
- snianu (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 25 January)
- snianu (Monday, 24 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 24 January)
- snianu (Saturday, 22 January)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Sunday, 16 January)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Sunday, 16 January)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Should clipboard-write permission be removed too? (Issue #163)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] supported type should include MathML types (#141)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Update README.md (#157)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] What happens if promises to Blobs are not resolved within a reasonable amount of time? (Issue #161)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] What should `clipboard.readText()` return when the clipboard contains multiple clipboard items? (Issue #166)
[w3c/editing] "Squiggle" should be "Wavy" as a value of underlineStyle of TextFormat (Issue #382)
[w3c/editing] add meeting details for 220127 (PR #386)
[w3c/editing] application/web (Issue #387)
[w3c/editing] Clarify PII concerns in the explainer. (PR #365)
[w3c/editing] Draft spec for custom clipboard format. (PR #383)
[w3c/editing] EditContext has compositionRange(Start|End) but TextUpdateEvent has composition(Start|End) (Issue #380)
[w3c/editing] EditContext.isInComposition should be renamed to `isComposing` (Issue #377)
[w3c/editing] EditContext: Are the events for `EditContext` propagated in the DOM tree? (#341)
[w3c/editing] EditContext: how is bold represented? (Issue #368)
[w3c/editing] EditContext: processing model (Issue #375)
[w3c/editing] Explore if there are better meeting times for the Web Editing WG (Issue #359)
[w3c/editing] It might help to write clearer code, if EditContext would have some attributes (Issue #378)
[w3c/editing] Linking meeting minutes 1/27 (PR #388)
[w3c/editing] Move to Jitsi for meetings? (Issue #385)
[w3c/editing] Schedule updates (PR #384)
[w3c/editing] Should contenteditable have break-word behavior by default? (#145)
[w3c/editing] Should EditContext be associated with a Node representing the "view"? (#300)
[w3c/gamepad] Add -1 to the set of allowed indices (PR #158)
[w3c/gamepad] Add gamepad input events (#152)
[w3c/gamepad] Please don't restrict to a secure context (#145)
[w3c/gamepad] Should fire events instead of using passive model (#4)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Clarify the handling of +0 and -0 in keys (Issue #375)
[w3c/IndexedDB] In the `openCursor()` case, is the lower-bound of the key range implicitly the index key if primaryKey is specified (and thus it's an error if a open lower bound is specified), or should the range and starting position be decoupled and require both the key and primaryKey to be explicit specified e.g. `openCursor(null, null, {key: x, primaryKey: y})` ? (Issue #371)
[w3c/IndexedDB] In the `openCursor()` case, is the lower-bound of the key range implicitly the index key if primaryKey is specified (and thus it's an error if a open lower bound is specified), or should the range and starting position be decoupled and require both the key and primaryKey to be explicit specified e.g. `openCursor(null, null, {key: x, primaryKey: y})` ? (Issue #372)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Need to specify what happens if you call `continuePrimaryKey()` on a cursor where the source is an object store. Throw? (Issue #374)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Sites i been to (Issue #370)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Thanks for explaining! I missed that first part. (Issue #373)
[w3c/manifest] Adding file_handlers and launch consumer (#1005)
[w3c/manifest] Address privacy issue with start_url (PR #1029)
[w3c/manifest] chore(auto-publish): enable VALIDATE_LINKS (#983)
[w3c/manifest] Privacy Review: handle start_url tracking (#399)
[w3c/manifest] Support window preferred/initial (minimal?) sizes (#436)
[w3c/permissions] Editorial: relocate nfc powerful feature. (PR #336)
[w3c/permissions] Ensure "speaker-selection" is integrated into Audio Output Devices API spec (Issue #320)
[w3c/permissions] Interaction between browser and system permissions (Issue #332)
[w3c/push-api] Should there be a UTF-8 health warning? (#335)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Feature detection of orientation.lock (Issue #206)
[w3c/selection-api] Clarify how text selection in <input> and <textarea> work with Selection interface (#83)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] [FEATURE REQUEST] Persistent ServiceWorker to run setInterval() (Issue #1624)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] [Question] How to get replacesClientId? (Issue #1623)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Add `ServiceWorkerRegistration.id` and supporting algorithm changes. (Fixes #1512) (#1526)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 21 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 20 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
- Ben Kelly (Friday, 14 January)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Clarification on what happens during a terminated activation (#1372)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] consider adding a note that response body may be re-buffered in browser (#1573)
- Banou (Sunday, 30 January)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] consider allowing a non-scope identifier for registrations (#1512)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Define the time origin for service workers (PR #1621)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Is it possible to manipulate the initial page request (which seems to be automatically) handled by the service worker? (Issue #1622)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Pass controller from fetch, and abort SW fetch when it's canceled (PR #1620)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Question: Does ServiceWorker reflects to Web Performance when store cache? (Issue #1625)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Service Worker Subresource Filter (#1584)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] What is FetchEvent.clientId for navigation requests (#808)
[w3c/uievents] Different click event order behavior between Firefox , ie , edge and Chrome/Safari (#303)
[w3c/uievents] Expose 'direction-inversion' in wheel events (#57)
[w3c/uievents] Specify the field values for non-pointer `contextmenu` event (Issue #323)
[w3c/uievents] Standardize layerX/layerY on MouseEvent (#135)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] [CSS-Values-4] FYI review of Allow infinity, -infinity and NaN in CSS calc() (Issue #708)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] [css-values-4] The Large, Small, and Dynamic Viewport Sizes (Issue #706)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] [mediaqueries-4] Range contexts (Issue #707)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] `handle_links` manifest field ✨ (Issue #695)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] `prefers-reduced-data` CSS Media Query (Issue #705)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] AbortSignal.timeout() (Issue #711)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Broadening the user base of WebAuthn (Issue #686)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Capture Handle (#645)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Deprecating `document.domain` setter. (#564)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Digital Goods API (#571)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] EyeDropper API (#587)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] File Handling (#371)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] First-Party Sets (#342)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Foldable Device CSS Primitives (Issue #690)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Gamepad API input events (#662)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Priority Hints API (Issue #704)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Region Capture (Issue #710)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review request before CR: CSS `selector()` (Issue #709)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Same-origin prerendering triggered by speculationrules (#667)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebGPU and WGSL (#626)
[whatwg/dom] Add abortController.close / abortSignal.closed (PR #1042)
[whatwg/dom] Basic DOM reactivity (Issue #1049)
[whatwg/dom] Expose events/aborts everywhere (#1024)
[whatwg/dom] feature: `element.getShadow(opts)` (Issue #1046)
[whatwg/dom] Meta: update repository files (PR #1050)
[whatwg/dom] Model -> View (DOM el) reactivity (Issue #1049)
[whatwg/dom] once() and on() async utilities for EventTarget (Issue #1038)
[whatwg/dom] Privacy/Security considerations section (#1013)
[whatwg/dom] replaceChildren can not replace a Document's documentElement (Issue #1045)
[whatwg/dom] Symbols should be allowed as Event types. (#331)
[whatwg/dom] Valid/Invalid characters in document.createElement() (#849)
[whatwg/dom] word (Issue #1047)
[whatwg/encoding] Expose everywhere (PR #274)
[whatwg/encoding] Meta: update repository files (PR #280)
[whatwg/fetch] (WIP) Export TAO origin check (PR #1388)
[whatwg/fetch] 0839329821 (Issue #1386)
[whatwg/fetch] [Feature request] Add a `CookieStore` option to `Request` (Issue #1384)
[whatwg/fetch] Access-Control-Max-Age not effective in preflight request caching when Authorization header is programatically defined (#1278)
[whatwg/fetch] Add `Response.json` static method (PR #1392)
[whatwg/fetch] Add colorprofile destination (#1331)
[whatwg/fetch] Add special handling of `set-cookie` to Headers (PR #1346)
[whatwg/fetch] Connect TWO-- (Issue #1378)
[whatwg/fetch] CORS-safelisting particular client hints (Issue #1383)
[whatwg/fetch] Create SECURITY.mdsimsek0707 (PR #1381)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Export TAO origin check (PR #1388)
[whatwg/fetch] Flag for "Terminate on Response Body"? (Issue #1382)
[whatwg/fetch] form stuck (Issue #1391)
[whatwg/fetch] Header to opt out of opaque redirect (#601)
[whatwg/fetch] Integration with preload (PR #1342)
[whatwg/fetch] Interested in expanding my mind (Issue #1390)
[whatwg/fetch] Meta: fix breakage due to WebSockets (a176ee5)
[whatwg/fetch] Meta: update repository files (PR #1385)
[whatwg/fetch] Please add support for an indicator as to whether the page was resolved via a temporary redirect or a permanent one (#892)
[whatwg/fetch] Proposal: `Response.json` helper (Issue #1389)
- Luca Casonato (Saturday, 29 January)
- Fabian Cook (Saturday, 29 January)
- Sukka (Saturday, 29 January)
- Michael Jackson (Saturday, 29 January)
- Fabian Cook (Friday, 28 January)
- Jarred Sumner (Friday, 28 January)
- Lee Robinson (Friday, 28 January)
- Luca Casonato (Friday, 28 January)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 27 January)
- Luca Casonato (Thursday, 27 January)
[whatwg/fetch] Safelist Last-Event-ID (#568)
[whatwg/fetch] TAO support for iframes (Issue #1387)
[whatwg/fetch] The upload file process not working with readable streams (I need tracking the upload progress). (Issue #1380)
[whatwg/fetch] upload file progress traking not working (Issue #1380)
[whatwg/fetch] Use case for Headers getAll (#973)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Editorial: pairs are tuples now (PR #200)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Review Draft Publication: January 2022 (PR #199)
[whatwg/storage] StorageEstimate.quota + Storage Pressure (#73)
[whatwg/streams] add missing controller argument for ReadableByteStreamControllerError in ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueClonedChunkToQueue (PR #1206)
[whatwg/streams] Add ReadableStreamBYOBReader.read(view, { atLeast }) (#1145)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: call correct Release() depending on chosen reader in pipeTo() (PR #1209)
[whatwg/streams] Expose everywhere (#1176)
[whatwg/streams] Fix documentation for underlying source cancel() errors (PR #1202)
[whatwg/streams] Handling stream errors in a TransformStream transformer (Issue #1212)
[whatwg/streams] Make read requests abortable (#1103)
[whatwg/streams] Meta: file bugs for non-browser implementations? (#1141)
[whatwg/streams] Meta: update repository files (PR #1211)
[whatwg/streams] pipeTo: Read fulfilled after shutdown started (Issue #1207)
[whatwg/streams] pipeTo: Read fullfilled after shutdown started (Issue #1207)
[whatwg/streams] ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype.readFully(view) (#1143)
[whatwg/streams] Reject pending reads when releasing reader (#1168)
- Mattias Buelens (Saturday, 15 January)
- Claudia Meadows (Saturday, 15 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Saturday, 15 January)
- Claudia Meadows (Saturday, 15 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 13 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 13 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 13 January)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 13 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 11 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 11 January)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 11 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 10 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 7 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 6 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 6 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 6 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 5 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 4 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 4 January)
[whatwg/streams] Release reader immediately when shutting down a pipe (PR #1208)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 27 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 27 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 27 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 27 January)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 27 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 27 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Adam Rice (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 20 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 19 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 19 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 19 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 19 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 18 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Sunday, 16 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Sunday, 16 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Sunday, 16 January)
- Mattias Buelens (Sunday, 16 January)
[whatwg/streams] Replace IRC link with Matrix (PR #1181)
[whatwg/streams] Should the abort result reflect the close result? (Issue #1203)
[whatwg/streams] Specify realm for object creation (Issue #1213)
[whatwg/streams] ابتكار جديد في مجال الطاقة المتجددة التي كانت لها تاثير مباشر جدا على الاقتصاد العالمي في مجال الطاقة المتجددة التي اعطيتني الضوء الاخضر على =?UTF-8?Q?_=D8=A7=D9=84=D8=A7=D9=82=D8=AA=D8=B5
[whatwg/streams] شكرا (Issue #1204)
[whatwg/url] "Forbidden host code point" should be defined without U+0025 (#319)
[whatwg/url] [Editorial] Correct the note about the IDNA fast-path for ASCII domains (PR #678)
[whatwg/url] [proposal] Enhanced the ability for multiple same-name-parameters to the URLSearchParams: .has() and .delete() (Issue #680)
[whatwg/url] Allow protocol setter to switch between special and non-special schemes (Issue #674)
[whatwg/url] Are drive letters always invalid? (#612)
[whatwg/url] Clarify whether "host state" does nothing or is an alias of "hostname state" (Issue #681)
[whatwg/url] Disallow all C0 control and DEL codepoints in hosts (PR #673)
[whatwg/url] Expand which hostnames are considered IPv4 addresses (Issue #679)
[whatwg/url] Expose URL/URLSearchParams everywhere (#657)
[whatwg/url] Forbidden host code points should include all C0 controls & U+007F (#627)
[whatwg/url] Messed up (Issue #682)
[whatwg/url] Meta: Add Node.js bug link to PR template (#525)
[whatwg/url] Meta: update repository files (PR #684)
[whatwg/url] Remove URL.domainToASCII and URL.domainToUnicode (#63)
[whatwg/url] Should we escape \ in non-special non-opaque paths? (Issue #675)
[whatwg/url] Should we unescape characters in path? (#606)
- Karl (Sunday, 23 January)
[whatwg/url] Split forbidden host/domain code points, and add all C0 controls and add U+007F to the latter (PR #685)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 28 January)
- Karl (Thursday, 27 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 26 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Karl (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Karl (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Karl (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Karl (Tuesday, 25 January)
- Karl (Tuesday, 25 January)
[whatwg/url] URLSearchParams delete all vs delete one (#335)
[whatwg/url] why are backslashes accepted for slashes? (#346)
[whatwg/webidl] Constructors should be excluded from inheritance (Issue #1086)
[whatwg/webidl] Correct [Global] example (PR #1088)
[whatwg/webidl] devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@da06c01444312c5ef07ff055278578120cc12c7f/&panel=elements&dockSide=undocked#:~:text=rs%3D-,AA2YrTvxIxBuWtAIKOA5N8P3pOjUMiMvmw,-%3A956 (Issue #1085)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Fix typo in `bigint` column in distinguishability table (#1043)
[whatwg/webidl] Fix distinguishability for bigint and numeric types (PR #1082)
[whatwg/webidl] Force `[NewObject]` for Promise returning functions? (Issue #1084)
[whatwg/webidl] IDL-level support for permission checks? (Issue #1066)
[whatwg/webidl] Introduce "mark as handled" for promises (PR #1090)
[whatwg/webidl] Invalid [Global] example? (Issue #1087)
[whatwg/webidl] Meta: update repository files (PR #1089)
[whatwg/webidl] Typo in distinguishability table (says bigint + bigint are distinguishable) (#1010)
[whatwg/webidl] wavemoney.com.mm (Issue #1091)
[whatwg/webidl] “Unicode character” should likely say “Unicode scalar value” in intro to lexical grammar (Issue #1080)
[whatwg/xhr] Resource Timing integration (#319)
[WICG/webcomponents] [idea] HTML Modules: Allow exporting without a script (#863)
[WICG/webcomponents] [templates] How to handle expressions in tables (#703)
[WICG/webcomponents] `CustomElementRegistry.define()` should return the new custom element (#927)
[WICG/webcomponents] Add delegatesLabel and a content attribute to specify the label element within a shadow tree (#916)
[WICG/webcomponents] Declarative CSS Module Scripts (#939)
[WICG/webcomponents] DOM Parts / Template Parts: conflicting name with CSS parts (Issue #950)
[WICG/webcomponents] Editor support for WebComponents (#776)
[WICG/webcomponents] Fix typo (PR #948)
[WICG/webcomponents] HTMLSlotElement.assign() does not work as expected (Issue #954)
[WICG/webcomponents] Observable Properties (Issue #951)
[WICG/webcomponents] RfC: API design for aria delegation mechanism (#917)
[WICG/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)
[WICG/webcomponents] SVG <use> tag with CSS ::part selector (Issue #955)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template instantiation: Fix typo (PR #948)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template Parts parsing: nested braces case (Issue #953)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template/part proposals - Naming for DOM Parts API (#902)
[WICG/webcomponents] Templates Parts: SVG error with fields (Issue #952)
[WICG/webcomponents] update repo type (PR #949)
Last message date: Monday, 31 January 2022 21:39:14 UTC