from September 2004 by subject

[ALL,OEP] Call for participation CORONT Wks at EKAW2004

[ALL,VM] Proposed VM note outline

[ALL] 2nd ftf location/date poll

[ALL] Agenda 16 Sep telecon 1800UTC

[ALL] Draft local info page for Face 2 Face

[All] f2f meeting registration form open

[ALL] I'm back

[ALL] RDF Data Access, XQuery, rules

[Fwd: Biopax (fwd)]

[OEP] Co-co-ordinator and path forward

[OEP] F2F planning and note planning

[PORT] Current proposals

[PORT] ftf goals

[RDF-XHTML] TF update

[VM] [rdfweb-dev] proposals for enhancing the descriptions of foaf terms

[VM] Guidelines for assigning identifiers to terms

[VM] Scoping Draft with questions to TF members

[VM] Scoping Draft with questions to TF members $swbpd

[VM] Telecon last Friday, 17 September

[VM] Telecon to move things forward?

[VM] TF Telecon


[XSCH] Component Designators

[XSCH] Updated task force description


addendum to 2004-09-16 meeting record

Agenda 30 Sep Telecon 1400 UTC

Agenda Sep 2 Telecon

Brostol ftf [was" Re: [ALL] Agenda 16 Sep telecon 1800UTC]

Comments to Web Arch WD due 17 Sep

enhancing minutes of 2004-09-02 telecon; RESOLVED f2f 1-2 Nov in Bristol

feedback WD-webarch-20040816

Fwd: Course material and tutorial page for SWBP WG

Graphical notation from Representing Values note

meeting record: 2004-09-16 SWBPD telecon

more on the status of the OMG ontology specification

namespace versioning (Dublin Core) use case for DAWG?

Proposed minutes of SWBP&D WG 2004-09-02 (just in time...)


regrets for 16th sept 2004 telecon

Regrets for Sep 2 telecon

representing probability in RDF

slashdot sw thread

storm outage

SWBP Community Feedback

Telecon participation record

XML 2004: SWBP XHTML/GRDDL Submission

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 2004 20:07:01 UTC