Re: [VM] Telecon to move things forward?

Members of the VM Task Force,

Thursday, 16 September, will not work for a telecon, so I'd like to
suggest three alternative dates next week:

    Tuesday,   14 September - 1400 UTC or 1700 UTC
    Wednesday, 15 September - 1400 UTC or 1700 UTC
    Friday,    17 September - 1400 UTC or 1700 UTC

To minimize list noise, you could send your preferences
directly to me and I will summarize.

Libby, Dan, Alistair, Ralph, Alan, and Natasha have confirmed
their interest; we still need to hear from Bernard, James,
and Aldo.

I the meantime, I will summarize the ideas from the exchange
of postings with Mike and fold that summary into the draft.

BTW, I have generated an SSH2 key and could in theory start
to use CVS but haven't had the time to work out exactly what
console commands and options I would need to initialize a
SSH connection and log into the CVS server.  I use WIN2000
with Cygwin, which has CVS and SSH on the command line.
Once on CVS, I know what to do.  If anyone has any scripts
they could share I would be most grateful.


Dr. Thomas Baker              
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven         mobile +49-160-9664-2129
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft                          work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany                    fax +49-2241-144-2352
Personal email:

Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 07:51:46 UTC