XML 2004: SWBP XHTML/GRDDL Submission

Hi all,

This message is intended to kick off a thread coordinating SWBP efforts 
for the XML 2004 Conference. [1]  There is still time to propose a 
"late breaking news" paper. [2]

DanC and Eric Miller have proposed that the SWBP present something on 
RDF-in-XHTML and/or GRDDL.

Maybe Ben or Mark Birbeck on XHTML
Maybe DanC on GRDDL
Maybe DaveW on a combination/SWBP view


Available XHTML material:
   - WD:              http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/
   - Mark B (Feb04):  http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2004/02/xhtml-rdf.html
   - TF WD (May03):   http://www.w3.org/2003/03/rdf-in-xml.html (good 
history links at bottom)

Available GRDDL material (substantial):
   - GRDDL Rationale: http://www.w3.org/2004/01/rdxh/specbg.html
   - GRDDL Slides:    http://www.w3.org/2003/g/talk/all.htm

Available combination/SWBP view material:
   - None yet, but I am working on something that might fit the bill 
regarding navigating the SemWeb.  I plan to submit it to the 
RDF-in-HTML TF shortly.  Jim has proposed making a "how to" document 
out of it and submitting it the conference.  I will post a link when I 
get the last comments in.

Next Steps

1) Dave:  Review the GRDDL material and report to the SWCG.
2) Dave:  Edit navigation "how to" and post to the Web for review.
3) Ben and Mark:  Tell us whether you would consider speaking at the 
conference on XHTML 2.0.
4) DanC:  Tell us whether you would consider speaking at the conference 
5) All:  Review the above material and make helpful suggestions!

Did I miss anything?

[1] http://www.xmlconference.org/
[2] http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/2004/lbn.html

David Wood
CTO, Tucana Technologies, Inc.

Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 16:58:02 UTC