meeting record: 2004-09-16 SWBPD telecon

Minutes of today's telecon are in

text version follows:



                    SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG
                                  16 Sep 2004



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Guus Schreiber, Andreas Harth, Ralph Swick, Tom Adams, Evan
          Wallace, Tom Baker, Fabien Gandon, Ben Booth

          Natasha, Brian, Jos, Alistair, Deb, David, Gary, Libby, Jeremy





   Next Meeting
          30 Sep 1400 UTC


     * Topics
         1. [5]Administrivia
         2. [6]Action Item Review
         3. [7]Community Feedback
         4. [8]Web Architecture Draft
         5. [9]ODM/UML Ontology Profile
         6. [10]RDF/TopicMaps
         7. [11]TF Updates
         8. [12]OEP
         9. [13]Port
        10. [14]Vocab Management
        11. [15]HTML TF
        12. [16]Tutorial Page
        13. [17]ADTF
     * [18]Summary of Action Items



   PROPOSED: accept
   ml as record of previous meeting



   PROPOSED: next telecon 30 Sep 1400 UTC

   <scribe> ACTION: Guus send e-mail about telecon attendance, as it's
   getting low

   TomA: regrets for 30 Sep

   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing'
   record) to the list

   RESOLVED next telecon 30 Sep 1400 UTC

   <scribe> ACTION: Guus send email to Brian and Jeremy to create a local
   information page for FtF

   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF

Action Item Review

   ACTION David Contact Ben in regard to coordinating RDF in XHTML TF

   ACTION Gary look at DAWG's request and post comments to mailing list

   ACTION Jeremy to review XSD FNO and SCD documents.

   ACTION Jeremy to add XSD FNO and SCD documents to TF reference list.

   ACTION Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract query

   [NEW] ACTION Guus: ping Jeremy about XSD actions

Community Feedback

   ml SWBP Community Feedback [David 2004-09-13]


   Guus: David distilled some comments from (outside) meetings he
   recently attended

   Evan: partOf was on our list of patterns at one time

   Guus: yes, Chris Welty wanted to do partOf, though perhaps to a
   greater detail than is suggested by David's item 2; I would like OEP
   to take this up

   Evan: agree

   <TomAdams> This was one of the conferences Dave was making comments
   after: [21]


   Guus: doing something more concrete for lat/lon might be welcomed

   Ralph: might also be done in APP TF if there is something existing
   that we could simply cite

   Evan: thought we talked about this and decided not to go that route
   specifically for units & measures. Point 4 from David's mail sounds
   like exactly where examples are what's needed

   Guus: Usability is another request for more examples

   Evan: what does the 'geeky' comment mean?

   Ralph: my sense was that this was a request for more basic materials;
   the problems addressed by our current notes are perhaps things that
   new adoptees of RDF&OWL are not yet facing

   Guus: I also hear community feedback requesting help on linking
   metdata to multimedia

   Ralph, TomA: tutorial page can serve to cite basic how-to materials

   TomA: also talked with some folk putting satellite data into RDF; they
   might be a source for more information and examples, particularly for
   non-textual metadata; this may be a generic use case

Web Architecture Draft

   ml Comments to Web Arch WD due 17 Sep [David 2004-09-10]


   Ralph: perhaps Pat or Jos would like to craft a WG comment

   <scribe> ACTION: Guus contact Pat and Jos about Web Arch comments

   [Ralph: as the Web Arch comment deadline is tomorrow, the polite way
   to proceed if we were to ask for an extension is to send mail before
   the deadline saying we expect to comment soon]

ODM/UML Ontology Profile

   ml more on the status of the OMG ontology specification [Evan


   Evan: the document that several e-mails have cited is a combined set
   of comments on the UML draft. No mapping has actually been produced
   yet; at least 3 submitter groups are working on mappings; "MOF Query
   Views and Transformations" . The next OMG meeting is in November [same
   week as our FtF]; would be useful to have input from SWBPD.

   Guus: I want to study ODM in more depth, but my impression is that it
   would be useful for SWBP to comment on it

   Evan: it may be that this group's concern might be more in the
   mappings but we should look at the metamodel too

   Guus: I am willing to be one reviewer

   <BenBooth> I would be willing to assist (UML experience)

   ACTION Guus: ask the WG for a second reviewer for ODM

   Guus: Ben's offer accepted

   Evan: ask Gary Ng too. I looked over the models in June and was quite
   happy with them

   BenB: happy to work with someone in an assistance role

   <scribe> ACTION: BenB read ODM documents


   Guus: it would be nice to start this work in the next month

TF Updates


   [no one present]


   Guus: comments requested on Alistair's update

   ml [PORT] ftf goals [Alistair 2004-09-13]



   [Aldo not present]

Vocab Management

   TomB: telecon scheduled for tomorrow, 17-Sep 1400 UTC. Sent a
   questionnaire to TF; need more responses. I have been concerned about
   the scope of the TF; don't want to take on more than we can accomplish

   ml [VM] Scoping Draft with questions to TF members [TomB 2004-09-02]


   TomB: I would like to recommend using Dublin Core practice to focus
   ... e.g. Andy Powell just posted [to Dublin Core] a set of guidelines
   for assigning identifiers



   ml [VM] Guidelines for assigning identifiers to terms [TomB


   TomB: Andy Powell's document covers many of the issues I'd like the VM
   TF to address
   ... I'm concerned about the size of the task and the current volume of
   the [TF] response

   Guus: the chairs' guide, [28]The Art of Consensus, turns out not to be
   a 'document' but a page with lots of links. This turns out to be very
   useful and a model that could be emulated.


   TomB: having something recognized in a Best Practice note from W3C
   would be useful. For example, the Dublin Core namespace policy is very
   accessible and could be endorsed by SWBPD. I want to break out topics
   that the WG could own, selecting a range of practices, describing
   those practices w/advantages and disadvantages

   Guus: I agree with Tom's approach -- focus on things that are out

   TomB: my approach was to break out a few topics for the TF members to
   comment on. My bias is to write short things that are understandable
   by non-experts; need some commitment from the TF participants. I may
   reduce the scope even more in order to get comments from the TF

   Ralph: good to use the issues identified by deployment groups such as
   Dublin Core to drive our priorities

   Guus: nudge people on the list to provide feedback

   ACTION TomB: nudge VM TF participants to provide feedback


   <Tbaker> Tom clarifies for the record that "endorsement" of things
   like DCMI Namespace Policy is not sought - rather recognition as one
   instance of good practice

   ACTION Ralph: ask WG for feedback on requirement to embed RDF/XML
   markup in an XHTML document

   [Ralph summarized Tuesday 7-Sep HTML TF telecon]



Tutorial Page

   TomA: received some suggested additions [0071.html]
   ... we had agreed to use www-archive
   ... is it bad form to repost something sent privately to me to that

   Ralph: yes, bad form; better to ask the sender to repost


   [no representative present]

   <Fabien> The [30]blog on applications and demos is slowly growing:


   Guus: Task Forces should be able to use the Thursday WG telecon slot
   [on alternate weeks]

Summary of Action Items

   ACTION: Jeremy to review XSD FNO and SCD documents.
   ACTION: Jeremy to add XSD FNO and SCD documents to TF reference list.
   ACTION: Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract query
   [NEW] ACTION: Guus ping Jeremy about XSD actions
   [NEW] ACTION: BenB read ODM documents
   [NEW] ACTION: Guus contact Pat and Jos about Web Arch comments
   [NEW] ACTION: Guus send e-mail about telecon attendance, as it's
   getting low
   [NEW] ACTION: Guus send email to Brian and Jeremy to create a local
   information page for FtF
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing'
   record) to the list


    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [31]scribe.perl 1.90 ([32]CVS
    $Date: 2004/09/17 02:04:46 $


Received on Friday, 17 September 2004 02:06:50 UTC