from January 2018 by subject

[DCAT] - reviewing requirements

[DCAT] Meeting 2018/01/24 21:00 UTC [was Re: DXWG-DCAT team meeting - proposal to change regular timing]

ACTION-77: Write up a procedure for setting up subgroup meetings and to find out about the tracker issue. (Dataset Exchange Working Group)

Adding use cases to W3C Data Set Exchange Working Group

Agenda for Jan. 23

Agenda for Jan. 23 / Apologies

Agenda for Tuesday January 9

Agenda for Tuesday January 9 / Regrets - travelling

Agenda January 16

AW: Requirements for profiles

Content negotiation subgroup: Doodle

DCAT team telecon 2018-01-31

DCAT vocabulary telecon

Defining Profiles

Definitions page for Profiles

DXWG Plenary Group Weekly Meeting 2018.01.30

dxwg-ACTION-59: Write up a general case for requirements 6.27 and 6.28

dxwg-ACTION-72: Contact jaroslav re: scripting github issues from ucr

dxwg-ACTION-73: Contact poe-cochair to provide feedback on ucr document

dxwg-ACTION-74: Contact shacl and shex lists regarding ucr fpwd

dxwg-ACTION-75: Look for page describing rrsagent as affects sub-group work

dxwg-ACTION-76: (and rob and jaroslav) - look at the comments received and bring their ideas to this group before answering

dxwg-ACTION-77: Write up a procedure for setting up subgroup meetings and to find out about the tracker issue.

dxwg-ACTION-78: Bring a short definition of profile that we can "vote" on next week

DXWG-DCAT team meeting - proposal to change regular timing

First meeting of DCAT Vocabulary sub-group

Introducing Nicholas Car

Meeting page(s) for DCAT subgroup

Moving requirements from UCR to github issues

My understanding of minutes, meetings, rrsagent

Profile definitions / DCAT update

Profile negotiation subgroup meetings

Requirements --> GitHub issues

There seems to be an existing way to circulate github notifications on the mailing list

What profiles are NOT

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 20:51:19 UTC