www-ws@w3.org from April 2003 by subject

1st CFP: Socio-Cognitive Grids

2003 Int'l Conf. in CS & CE - Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003

[www-ws] <none>

About output derivation in composite processes

Announcing SWSI (preliminary announcement)

BravoAir/CongoBuy grounding question

CFP: Semantic Web Services for Enterprise Application Integration 2003

Clarification re DAML-S

Complex data types in DAML-S

conditional inputs

DAML-S API (or tool)

Envelopes, messages, and app semantics

Espressions of Interest for Proposed AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Semantic Web Services

Fwd: Liaison between WS BPEL TC and W3C WS Choreography

Fwd: OASIS BPEL and W3C Choreography WG

FYI; REST vs. SOAP at Amazon

Help in XSL creation

Identifiers, locators, and scalability


One more post on REST and then I am done: (was: WS-Addressing and R085)

operation vs service parameter

Partial modeling using constraints

port and service names

Problem with damlsParameter

Protocol independance

Protocol independence

Protocol independence and application protocols

QoS in Web services?

Questions about subsumption relationships for matchmaking

search feature

Semantic Web Services: Interest Group creation discussions

SOAP 1.2 Evil Feature

Starting from DAML-S

This is a DAML-S question, appreciate any inputs

tiny suggestion for DAML-S

WS-Addressing and R085


WSDL question.

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2003 12:29:13 UTC