[Revised] DRAFT minutes QAWG teleconference 20020117
[revised] Issue priority for 1/28 telcon
[soapbuilders] W3C WSDL Working Group
Action Items list
Action Items review
- Karl Dubost (Thursday, 17 January)
- Karl Dubost (Thursday, 17 January)
- Karl Dubost (Thursday, 17 January)
- Karl Dubost (Thursday, 17 January)
- Daniel Dardailler (Thursday, 17 January)
- Olivier Thereaux (Thursday, 17 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Thursday, 17 January)
- Olivier Thereaux (Thursday, 17 January)
- Olivier Thereaux (Thursday, 17 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Wednesday, 16 January)
- Kirill Gavrylyuk (Wednesday, 16 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Wednesday, 16 January)
Agenda 1/28 QA WG telcon
alternate e-mail address VS moderation (Was Re: Fwd: Re: Issue #22)
Disposition of comments
Draft Conformance Clause
DRAFT Minutes 2002-01-03 QA Working Group Teleconference
DRAFT minutes QAWG teleconference 20020117
DRAFT minutes QAWG teleconference 20020128
Fmwk: P&O rewrite Chapter 3
For "QA Reference Document" -- telcon minutes
Framework Document: Introduction
Fwd: DRAFT Minutes 2001-12-20 QA Working Group Teleconfere
Fwd: DRAFT Minutes 2001-12-20 QA Working Group Teleconference
Fwd: Re: [Joseph Reagle <reagle@w3.org>] Re: Normative vs. non-normative references
Fwd: Re: Issue #22
- Karl Dubost (Thursday, 17 January)
- Daniel Dardailler (Tuesday, 8 January)
- Lynne Rosenthal (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 7 January)
- Daniel Dardailler (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 7 January)
- Lynne Rosenthal (Monday, 7 January)
- Daniel Dardailler (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Monday, 7 January)
- Lofton Henderson (Sunday, 6 January)
Fwd: Re: TAG issues during technical plenary
Fwd: TAG issues during technical plenary
general comments on Framework: Process & Operational
Glossaries (Was Re: Action Items review)
Issue #22
Issue #22, #12, and horizontal groups
Issue priority for 1/17 telcon
Issue priority for 1/28 telcon
Issue priority for FPWD
Issues & Checkpoints (was Re: Framework documents nature)
Minutes 2002-01-03 QA Working Group Teleconference
minutes template update
New Discussion Drafts & telcon
new draft "Framework: Introduction"
new draft "Framework: Process & Operational Guidelines"
New Issues List
Process & Operational Guideline - Test materials home
proposed 1/3 telcon agenda
publishing FPWD issue (was Re: Thursday telcon & agenda)
QF Policy & Op guidelines
Regarding coordination withint W3C
Request for "QA Framework: Introduction" and "QA Framework: Process & Operational Guidelines" first Public Working Drafts
special telcon Monday 1/28
Test materials home - can it be TR space?
Thursday telcon & agenda
Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2002 13:01:24 UTC