www-html@w3.org from December 2002 by subject

(no subject)

<hr /> and WD-xhtml2-20021218

<meta> tags and their practical use

[fwd: Re: comments on 2002-12-12 XHTML 2.0 WD]

[tobyink@goddamn.co.uk: Re: Using CSS for XML Events]

[www-html] <none>

CDATA and HTML Compatibility was: escaping escaping)

comments on 2002-12-12 XHTML 2.0 WD

Display of AREA?

escaping escaping

Finally you convinced me about HTML and XHTML.

Fixed font size (was: [no subject])

Forcing IE to Show Application/xhtml+xml pages

How would recursive acronyms be marked up?

HTML Comment Tags and Readers for the Blind

HTML parser ( in c++ )

Ideas for improved semantics for xhtml 2 WD

Image Ready, XHTML and Mozilla rendering


Internet Standards Questionnaire

Is this legal XHTML 1.1?

Link type order

Maximum number of fields for an HTML form?

New drafts: "Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema" Last Call WD, "XHTML 2.0" 2nd WD

OnLoad problem

Promotion of XHTML

Promotion of XHTML or something else

rising on the strength, Lel Bruce Peto updating of very firm cash prices.,

second cycle Chicago unleaded is seeing per Lel B Peto updating buyer's..

Sugerencia sobre el HTML y los buscadores

Table element's width attribute in the basic table

the volatility, "Lel B. Peto" updating, as today saw 9.25cts..

Using CSS for XML Events

Valid <link rel=""> attributes

Validator New Look

WD-xhtml2-20021211 comments

XHTML 2.0 - <line> or <l>?

XHTML 2.0 2002-11-12 Deviations

xhtml browser

xhtml vs. xlink

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 December 2002 23:47:06 UTC