Re: XHTML 2.0 2002-11-12 Deviations

Alexander Savenkov:
> Until now, no one has mentioned the obscure places of the second XHTML2
> WD. I believe many list members haven't replied to the letters that
> suggested to introduce the undermentioned features simply because they
> thought the features are too weird to be included into the next draft.
> However, someone from the WG decided to put them in.

Well, it feels good to see one's ideas aren't ignored by the WG.

| This suggestion has not yet been addressed by the working group.

sounds to me that there hasn't been further consideration, but after it has
been, the proposal might be rejected (and, in most cases you cited, will).

> 5. <nr> element to indicate numbers. Once you have this element
> introduced start thinking of <verb>, <adjective>, <fullstop> element

As I'm the one who suggested this element, I'm probably the best one to
speak up for it:
I'd rather compare it to abbr (or the removed acronym) which as well allows
to apply useful styles like smaller font-size, reduced word-spacing or no
line-break inside to a certain potion of text and provides additional
information e.g. for aural browsers, although I doubt the title element is
the best choice for that. Additionally it may ease localization.
Note that MS Office already generates something similar proprietary to be
able to reconstruct the original document with less rounded values--to name
an actual use-case, not to praise Microsoft's tag soup.

I kindly ignore your polemic hypothetical examples of syntax elements.

> It's not surprising many people don't know how to customize xhtml.
> However one cannot consider this a reason to include new elements into
> the spec. This is the way I see it.

You mean there's no need for any new elements, because one could use
customization? I'd have to disagree.
HTML is by no means perfect, in no version.

Christoph Päper

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2002 15:18:04 UTC