Re: Promotion of XHTML

Toby wrote on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 6:20:31 AM:

> John Lewis said:
>> But you're going to extra trouble for no gain (other than XHTML's
>> "coolness"). If you're writing HTML, what's the purpose of writing
>> it as XHTML and then making sure it's sort of HTML, in addition to
>> worrying about browser incompatibilities *because it's XHTML*?

> Personally I think it's easier to write in XHTML because it's tidier.

> I don't have to bother remembering which elements need to be closed,
> because they all do.

> I don't have to worry about an untidy mix of <UPPER CASE>, <lower
> case> and <Mixed Case> tags, because they all have to be lower case.

> I don't need to care about whether a particular attribute needs
> quote marks around it or not... because I can be sure that it does.

There's nothing stopping you from doing all that in HTML4.

> It's a much more symmetrical and consistant markup language, so (in
> my book) is much easier to use.

HTML4 can be as well. The difference is, it's a choice in HTML4; it's
required in XHTML. I don't think that's a convincing argument for
choosing XHTML over HTML.

I do think there are very good reasons for using XHTML, but they all
involve things XHTML added that HTML can't do. In the end, it's your
choice to use or not use XHTML, but I don't think the added
restrictions are a good reason; they can be imposed on HTML just as
well as XHTML.


Received on Tuesday, 31 December 2002 23:16:29 UTC